Ch 1

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A/N: the cover for this is Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake sitting together but I edited Eminem onto it. Also this WILL be bad. 😭😭😭

      Marshall was having a normal time at the club, with the bright lights, loud noises, and drunk people everywhere. He watched strippers, got shit faced. The usual.
      He decided to order one last drink then he'd go home. He walked up to the counter and said, "Bourbon, please." To which the bartender replied, "No problem."
      Marshall paid for his bourbon and then sat back down on the soft brown couch in the corner, watching everyone else dance and get completely and utterly drunk.
     "Mind if I sit..?" A rather tall man in a flannel shirt and baggy jeans asks, startling Marshall slightly. Marshall studies him for a moment, unsure what to think of the stranger or what to say to him. Eventually, he replies, "Nope," and sits back against the couch.
      Marshall sits his now empty bourbon bottle on the table after a few moments, glancing at the stranger in flannel beside him curiously, but he doesn't quite care enough to ask who he is.
      Very soon, Marshall starts to get a splitting headache from all the strong bourbon and beer he has consumed throughout the night. The bright lights in the club, which did not help one bit, were blindingly bright to drunk eyes.
      "Hey Paul..." Marshall mutters, But no response, since Paul was not even present at the club. Marshall is visibly annoyed and rolls his eyes while crossing his arms.



      The man in flannel realizes what's going on and says, "I don't think this Paul guy your talking about is here," he says quietly and curiously, just as confused as Marshall is at this point.

      This confuses Marshall further.

      Clearly in distress, he runs a hand through his short brunette hair and lets out an annoyed sigh while looking around the busy chaotic club. "But.." Marshall begins to say, trailing off.
      The man in flannel raises an eyebrow, highly amused by the situation. "Yes...?" He says sarcastically with a small laugh at the end of his sentence and an eyebrow raise.
      "You- you ARE Paul..." Marshall says, squinting angrily at the stranger in flannel as he clenches his fist angrily.
       "I'm not Paul," the stranger responds, very much amused and enjoying the show. He watches Marshall get visibly angrier and smirks as he sips his beer.
       Marshall is all the more stressed and confused now. "Well who the hell are you then..?" He says much louder than he intended.
       "Justin," the not-stranger anymore responds with an amused smirk on his face. "Justin...? How come I've never seen you here before..." he pauses. "Oh shit... wait... where the hell is Paul then...?" Marshall says, moving his hand quickly over his short hair.
      Justin shrugs. He didn't have a clue who Paul was, or how Marshall got so so so drunk that he didn't know Justin wasn't Paul, but he knew that this situation was very fucking funny.
      Marshall pulls out a BlackBerry phone and gets halfway through dialing a number, then realizes he was being rude. "At least he wasn't drunk enough to not recognize THAT," Marshall thought to himself.
     "I-I'm Marshall... by the way.." he says hesitantly, which Justin picks up on.
      Justin nods and takes a sip of his cold drink. Of course he knows who Marshall is... but he didn't say that out loud. Marshall finishes dialing the number and puts his phone up to his ear.

The phone conversation

"Hey Marshall. What's up?" Marshall hears Paul say curiously.

"P-Paul..? Where are you...?" Marshall asks, his speech slurred.

"Uh... at home...? Why...?" Paul says curiously. Marshall notices the suspicious tone in Paul's voice but ignores it.

"Why'd you leave me here alone?" He says, getting more impatient.

"What are you talking about...?" Paul could hear the music through the phone so he assumed Marshall was a club, but he was confused as to why Marshall was questioning him leaving him there.

"You left me alone at this club!!!" Marshall says loudly, annoyed and impatient while throwing his free hand in the air.

"I haven't been to a club in months." Marshall sighs and is annoyed by Paul's short, blunt answer. Either Paul was as drunk as Marshall, Marshall was very drunk, or both.

Marshall was confused, and quite frankly kind of pissed.

"You came with me tonight and left me here alone..?"

"Nope. I never went with you at all..."

"Oh... I- ok. Sorry to be a bother I guess..." he sighed as he hung up.

      Apparently, he thought, a few drinks ago he must have got his memory mixed up and he came there by himself. He groans and leans his head back against the couch.
     "Should've stopped three drinks ago..." he muttered and rubbed his tired face, closing his red, drunk eyes
      Justin still sits there on the couch, beside Marshall, still highly amused by the whole situation. Paul, Marshall being so drunk, all of it.
      The lights in the club get slightly brighter and the music gets slightly louder and Marshall groans loudly as his splitting headache intensifies from all the noise and flashing lights.
      Justin can't help but notice Marshall's features in the lights. His brunette, short hair, his baggy clothes, his baseball hat, his beard.
      "Fuck, he's kinda cute..." Justin thinks to himself. But he blinks and looks away, embarrassed for even thinking something like that about Marshall.
      Marshall looks over at this Justin guy and squints, trying to see through the colorful lights and blurry vision. Suddenly, his drunken and stoned expression changes to one of shock.
      "Holy shit... you're..." he stops dead in his tracks and looks at this Justin guy in shock. He looks taken aback and Justin smirks, taking another swig of beer.
      "I was hoping you'd recognize me sometime. I'd be quite offended," he says jokingly, teasing Marshall.
      "Yo... I can't do this shit today man..." Marshall says tiredly while rubbing his red and sleepy eyes.

Welp that's chapter one.

Eminem x Justin Timberlake Where stories live. Discover now