Chapter 3

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    The next few days after that were weird as hell for Marshall, with "him and Justin" being on the news, with his kids all calling to ask about it, and his socials being spammed with messages from people wondering what the deal was.
   He was confused on how the media found out, he was confused on how it spread to the news so damn quick, what he was doing in Justin Timberlake's bed, how Justin convinced Marshall to go to Justin's place. Or, perhaps, the opposite.
    But he knew that didn't matter. He just needed to get this sorted out, and to get this sorted out fast before any too crazy of rumors got spread. Although, he feared that ship had sailed long ago...
      The question in his mind was, "How the hell am I supposed to sort this out? What the fuck could I possibly do besides just wait for people to forget about this whole ordeal?"
       What didn't help his situation was that he couldn't deny he found Justin maybe... just a little perhaps... attractive.
"Why the fuck am I thinking that shit man..." Marshall wondered to himself. As he had established with himself before, he was a straight, respectable badass rapper that absolutely would not be into guys like Justin Timberlake. He had an important image to upkeep.
      He sighed to himself and got out of bed, deciding to just ignore the rumors and wait for the news to just drop it and move on to the next "big" story. He decided to get dressed and at least try to carry on with his day.
      He put on a rather casual outfit and headed downstairs for breakfast. He made cereal and ate it while watching TV. Not the news, of course, he'd had his fill of the news...

      Once he was done, he put the bowl in the sink and was met with surprise when he heard his phone ring. "Who the hell could be callin' me at this hour..."
       He picked it up and held it up to his ear, and to his dismay heard a familiar voice come out of the phone.
        "Hey, what's up man?" Justin said through the phone in a calm nonchalant voice, as if fucking Eminem hadn't woken up in his bed days earlier.
       "Oh uh, hey... nothin much... how about you?" Marshall replied, coming off more awkward than he would have liked.
"Not much... but uh listen. I'll skip the small talk and get straight to the point." He had every bit of Marshall's attention now. "So... i'm assuming you've seen the news. What the hell are we gonna do about it...?"
Marshall thought for a moment, as he wasn't sure himself as to what they were going to do about it. "I- I dunno... Honestly man, I just think the only thing we can do is wait for the rumors to die out... People are gonna find some different drama and move on, I hope..."
"Yeah, maybe you are right. At least, I hope you're right. They gotta move on eventually, right?" Justin said still calmly, to which Marshall replied, "Yeah, for sure."
Justin paused, choosing his next words carefully. "My manager heard about it as well..." Marshall's eyes widened. He assumed he knew where this was going.
"Wellllll he thinks that since we have some... attention on us at the moment... we should collaborate on something. I know, I know, it would absolutely not push the rumors aside that we are apparently 'together' and at first I was completely against it, for obvious reasons, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad."
         Marshall realized he was holding his breath that whole time and let it out. He didn't say anything though. He had no fucking clue what to think about making shit with Justin Timberlake, a man who is also a respected straight celebrity that he met at a club. And then, somehow ended up in his bed.
          "Listen, if you don't want to, thats alright. But just take time to think about it, alright?"
          Marshall stayed quiet for a moment longer. "Yeah, yeah I will. See ya later man. I'll get back to you." Marshall said quietly, before hanging up and placing his phone down on the table.
      He let out a long sigh and picked up the phone again, intending to dial his own manager Paul to get his opinion on this whole matter.
      "What up Marshall?" Paul said cheerfully, completely contradicting Marshall's mood.
      "Not much. You?" To which Paul replied, "Me neither."
      Marshall decided to cut straight to the chase and tell him whats up. "Justin called me." Marshall sighed. "He wants to collaborate. His manager thinks it'd be a good idea.
      "H-his manager?" Paul asked, feeling grateful him and Marshall were discussing this over the phone and not in person so that Marshall couldn't see his cheeks burn slightly.
      "Uh yeah. His manager." Marshall said skeptically. "Sum wrong with that..?"
      "Oh, no, not at all. I just didn't know he had a manager..." Paul said awkwardly, knowing Marshall absolutely was not going to buy that.
      "Paul, hell, its Justin Timberlake of course... you know what? Never mind. Back to the point. So, should we do it or not?"
      "Sure, what can it hurt? Let's do it. Try something new." Paul said, trying to hide his excitement at the thought of this new project.
       "Alright then. Thanks man." Paul replied, "No problem Marshall. See ya later, alright?"
      "See ya." Marshall hung up. Part of his brain told him what the hell could possibly go wrong?
      But the other part of him knew exactly what he was getting himself into.


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