Chapter 5

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A/N @-shadysback  TOLD ME TO WRITE ABOUT HOT GAY KINKY ANAL SEX AND SHE HAS TO GET WHAT SHE ASKED FOR I MEAN... so maybe the smut will be in this chapter orr maybe the next idk

      Marshall reluctantly climbed out of bed and rubbed his eyes sleepily, a few days later after Justin confessed his crush.
      He couldn't stop thinking about it. He had to be joking, right? Justin was for sure straight. And so was Marshall. He knew it for a fact.
      But, even though he wanted absolutely fucking nothing to do with Justin, he knew he couldn't be so rude as to not try to plan something, so he texted him.
      "Hey. Me n Paul are gonna be eating lunch here at my place. Want to come too? We can discuss the song." Marshall sighed and then reluctantly sent the text.
      He was very surprised when Justin replied very quickly. "Yeah sure sounds great. Send me the address and I'll be there."
      Marshall couldn't help but be skeptical at his eagerness. But, he sent the address anyway. He stared at his phone for a moment, then he set it down on the table.
      He rubbed his hands over his tired face and sighs. He decides he should face the day and get up, so he does. He stands out of bed and stretches for a moment, before walking into his closet and putting on his usual clothes.
       Suddenly, Marshall hears a knock at his door. He realizes how late he slept, and it is actually almost lunchtime. So, he heads downstairs to open the door and sees Paul, Justin, and Johny waiting at the door.

A/N: if you dont know, Johny is Justin's manager lmao

"Damn, you guys are here early." Marshall said, still kind of groggily.
"C'mon, its 12." Paul says, crossing his arms. Marshall just waves his hand to end the conversation and then motions them inside his mansion. They all walk in and sit down at the table.
"I can... order pizza or sum..." Marshall said quietly, to which all three men eagerly nodded their heads as a yes. So, Marshall called a pizza place and ordered a few different kinds, and then put his phone down.
       Marshall sat back down at the table and couldn't help but let his gaze wander back to Justin's face. Marshall was drawn to Justin like a moth to a flame, he was unable to pull away even though he knew he was destined to get burned.
      "Be right back guys," Marshall said suddenly. He stood up from the table and walked upstairs, intending to get to the bathroom.
      Justin smirked as he watched Marshall walk t the bathroom. He had Marshall flustered and he knew it. And he was loving every second of it. He loved and was enjoying the power he had over Marshall
      He thought about excusing himself to go to the bathroom as well, since Marshall had several bathrooms and Justin genuinely needed to go and would  just talk to Marshall, but he decided against it. There was no way the managers wouldn't think anything of it.
      So, he just waited for Marshall to come back before he went. The small talk that was happening at Marshall's dinner table was starting to bore this shit out of Justin and he needed to get away from their boring ass conversations. "I swear to god, Marshall if you don't hurry your ass up..."

      Marshall leaned against the wall and looked at himself in the mirror. "What the fuck am I doin', man..."
      He did not know what the hell Justin was doing to him. He knew for a fact he was a straight man for god's sakes. He rubbed his hand in his short dark brown hair and then put his hat back on with a long deep sigh.
       After a few more minutes, he decided he should face the music and go back downstairs. He hesitantly unlocked and opened the bathroom door, feeling the cold door knob under his fingers. He slowly twisted it open and walked out the bathroom, closing the door slowly and quietly, for no reason, behind him.
Marshall slowly and reluctantly walked down the long, cold stairway, each step feeling like he had bricks duct-taped onto his feet. He was dreading going down there and having to face Justin once again.
      He swallowed hard once he was back in the luxurious dining room with Paul, Johny and, last and definitely least to Marshall, Justin. Trying to stay calm and collected, he sat back down in his seat. He gulped again and scooted his chair up to the table, accidentally making eye contact with Justin once again, causing him to blush and look away.


      Marshall's blush didn't go unnoticed by Justin. Justin fought back a smirk and a very smug chuckle that would have annoyed the absolute shit out of Marshall.
      Pretty soon everyone heard a knock on the door and Marshall quickly got up to get the pizza, desperate to escape the awkward small talk and Justin's stupid, smug ugly face that Marshall wanted to slap the shit out of.
      He opened the door, paid, thanked the delivery man, and took the stack of hot pizzas. He walked back to the dining room and set them down on the table, laying them out so everyone could get to them better.
      Everyone became silent while they ate and enjoyed the cheesy, warm pizza. Marshall still noticed Justin's gaze every now and then, but the both of them were mostly distracted by the cheesy hot goodness in front of them.

      Giving one more smirk to Marshall, Justin nudged his leg against Marshall's, and instantly saw the effect of his action spread in a warm, bright pink blush across Marshall's face.
      Once he saw Marshall glare fucking daggers at him, he was satisfied so he went back to eating.

      "Oh that little bastard... who the hell does he think he fucking is?" Were the words going through Marshall's angry mind.
      Marshall watched angrily as Justin got up from his seat and walked upstairs into the bathroom. He glanced over at Paul and Johny who were getting along like they had been best friends since fucking childhood.
       Marshall ignored them, they didn't matter right now. He got up out of his seat and walked upstairs a few minutes after Justin. Little was Marshall aware that Justin was up there directly by the stair case, as though he knew Marshall was going to come up there and beat the shit out of him. Marshall's nostrils flared in anger as he watched a smirk spread across Justin's face and stomped over to him, intending to beat the living daylights out of Justin.
      "Now, let's handle this like mature adults, Marshall." Justin said tauntingly, knowing it was pissing Marshall the fuck off.
      "Mature my ass. Stop fuckin' around Justin! We're supposed to be working on the song, but no! You have to fuck around instead!" Marshall said angrily, louder and more aggressive than he had intended.
      "Marshall, who says we can't just work on the song and stop fucking around? You just have to make it all awkwar-" Justin began, but his words were quickly cut off by Marshall pouncing on him, pinning Justin to the ground.

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