Being women sucks right now

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Mckenzie POV
I was peacefully sleeping when suddenly I felt a hand gently caressing my face while whispers "Little love it's time to wake up" recognizing my moms voice, I let out a groan. I really wanted to sleep more. My mom chuckled, slightly tickling the side of my belly "Come on sleepy head you need to wake up, you have school today" I whine in protest, stretching my entire body, cautious of not hitting mom since she was sitting close to me "But I don't want to mom" I hear her giggling "Come on baby, you know you need to go. You missed last week because you were on set with me, you can't miss any more days my love. If you do, you're going to get behind on the material" she said while pulling me gently to sit up on my bed. I let out a deep breath of frustration, opening my eyes and looking at her with a pout on my face, trying to give her the best puppy eyes I can make "I don't want to go to school, mommy. I want to stay here with you" I slightly lean so I can be closer to her, and deepen my pouty face. She look at me with a slight frown and imitated my pout, putting her hands on my cheeks she squish them and with a babyish voice she said "Uhh why are you so cute hm?" she give me a kiss on the nose and stop squishing my cheeks but kept her hands cupping my face "I'm sorry baby, but I can't let you skip school today. But nice try with that cute pouty face of yours" she lightly boop my nose, making me instantly drop my pouty face, putting my frowning face instead crossing my arms over my chest "Meanie". Bruh, I swear that anyone who see me right now, would think I'm probably a 5 year old kid, but I'm not. I'm just a 12 year old girl who doesn't want to go to school. My mom proceeded to laugh "I know I'm such a meanie for wanting you to have an education" she kiss my forehead, which make my frown disappear instantly. She walk towards the door "I'll be downstairs making breakfast. Would you like something specific to eat?" she turn around leaning on the door to look at me "Hmm, can you make me my favorite yogurt fruit bowl please" she smile at me "Of course sunshine, since you ask so politely. Get ready and come downstairs when you finish ok?" I nodded and she smiled again, blowing me a kiss which I reciprocate "Love you baby" "Love you too" I semi shouted since she was already out of my room. I stand up from bed going straight to the bathroom, I needed to do my business and watch my teeth before getting ready. I decided to brush my teeth first, and then sit down on the toilet to do my business, lucky for me, I only needed to pee, so I could take a quick shower after since I wanted to be fast, I didn't wanted mom to wait for me to long. When I finished peeing, I lean forward to grab some toilet paper to clean myself. I don't know why, but I got a habit of always looking down at the toilet paper after cleaning myself. I don't know, probably to make sure that everything is ok and there's nothing weird going on, like some infection or my period. Probably my habit is thanks to my mom, she has always make sure that I know about the different changes the women body go through, so I guess I always like to be alert for anything. Every time I look down at the toilet paper, everything is ok, except for this time was different. When I look down at the toilet paper it was red. Wait. Red? Blood? Wait, what? Instant shock. I didn't knew what to do. What should I do? I was on my period. Shoot, I'M ON MY PERIOD. and it's my first time to. What am I going to do? I don't feel ready. I AM NOT READY. I thought my period was going to come when I was more older, idk probably when I was 14-15 or something. I'm just 12 years old. I'm internally freaking out right now, I mean yes, mom talk to me about periods and what I needed to do. But right at this moment I'm to freak out to remember. I can't even get myself to scream for her. I'm just frozen, looking straight at the blood in the paper that's in my hands.
I don't even know how much time pass since I enter to the bathroom, but I guess it had to be long because the next thing I know, mom is knocking at the door "Kenz is everything ok? You being to long in the bathroom, is something wrong?" I could tell by her tone how concern she was, but still I couldn't find myself to tell her what was happening. The only words coming out of my mouth being "Mom can you come inside please" I hear the lock moving but nothing, shoot I forgot I put the lock on "Sweetheart it's locked I can't open it. Can you take the lock off please so I can open the door?" I shake my head no forgetting that she couldn't see me "I can't mama. I'm in a bit of a situation here" "McKenzie what's going on? Are you feeling ok? What's happening?" "Can you just please open the door mommy" I started to get teary eyed by then.

Scarlett POV
"Can you just please open the door mommy" Ok now I know something definitely was wrong. I came up here because it's been almost an hour since I left to make her breakfast and I know Mckenzie takes her sweet time to get ready, but never almost an hour. "I'm going to try and open the door now okay sweetheart? Just hold on a moment" I stand back and with every strength I had plus the training from being Natasha Romanoff, I push open the door "Darling are you-" I cut myself off after looking up and seeing her. Inside, she was sitting on the toilet, a bloody toilet paper in her hand. Her little face expressing pure shock. Looking back and forth, from the toilet paper to her face. It took me a moment to completely comprehend, and when I finally connected the dots, I couldn't help the gasp that escape my mouth. McKenzie was on her period. Shit, my baby got her first period. Snapping out of it, I walk towards her, gently taking the bloody paper towel out of her hand and throwing it in the trash. After that I kneel down to make eye contact since she was still looking down in shock, I brush the hair out of her face kissing her forehead "Don't worry honey, everything's going to be ok. This is normal remember? Mama talk to you about this" she slightly nodded her head, slowly snapping out of her shock, finally looking at me properly. I smile at her, kissing her forehead again "Mama will be right back ok" I stand up, but before I start to walk, she cling to my arm "Mama don't, where are you going?"  Aww my poor little angel, I wish I could take away what is happening right now, but sadly I can't. This is just another "glorious part" of being a women. I smile at her rubbing my thumb on the back of her hand "I need to bring you some pads, I have them on my bathroom, so I need to go to bring them here. But I promise you I won't take long, ok?" she nodded and whisper "ok" I smile at her again, kissing her hair line "I'll be quick sweetie"
I got out of her bathroom and make my way to my bathroom and I take one of the pads packages and went back to her bathroom "Here you go sweet love, put this in your panties like I thought you. Do you remember?" she nods "I want to take a shower first tho" "Ok, that's totally fine baby. I'll be waiting for you outside in your bedroom kay" she nodded. I decided that I was going to bring her a couple of things up to her room. I will be calling her school aswell, I'm not going to send my baby girl to school today. With all that is happening, she deserves her day to be stress free. After calling to her school, I went downstairs and prepared her yogurt fruit bowl again, so it would be fresh. I took upstairs with me, her bowl, a water bottle, some ibuprofen, and some little snacks for me and for her. I was going to make sure that my baby, was comfortable. When I went back to her room, Kenzie was getting out of her bathroom, already dress "Sweetie you can go back to wearing comfy clothes, you're not going to school" she look up at me "Really?" "Yeah baby, your not going to school. I decided that today is going to be stress free. And we can just watch movies together all day long" she smiled "Cuddles to?" I giggled "Yes my love, all the cuddles you want. Now hurry up and change back, I brought you your breakfast"
After she dress back to her comfy clothes and eat her breakfast, we were cuddled up in my bed, per my girl's request, something about my bed being more comfy than hers. We were currently watching Brave, one of her favorite movies. In the middle of the movie, she slightly look up at me with a frown on her face, I look down at her frowning myself "Honey what's the matter?" she pouted "Why did it have to happen now mama?" I imitated her pout "Aww my baby, c'mere" I open my arms and she positioned herself, so she was now laying on my lap, her head resting on my chest. I leave multiples kisses on her head "I'm so sorry darling, I wish I could help you better" she look up at me, her hand going up to my cheek and whisper "You're already doing enough mama. Thank you" I smile and took her hand, kissing her knuckles. She went back to look at the movie, and after a while, out of nowhere she said "Being a women sucks right now" I'm not lying when I say, it took everything in me not to burst out laughing. I can completely understand her way of thinking, who in their right mind would like to be bleeding through the vagina every once in a month? Nobody. I just giggled and hug her tighter, bringing her impossibly closer to me. "I know sweet girl. Mama knows. Being in this rodeo for almost 19 years"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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