Happy Birthday Mama

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Michelle's POV
Today is my mom's birthday and here I am awake at 6:00 a.m just to surprised her with breakfast in bed. You will ask why would I wake so early just for that? Well you see, my mama is a VERY early person, she likes to wake up at 6:30 a.m because she says that the more early she wakes the more she can do during the day. Good for her. But if i'm honest with you, I don't know how she does it. I mean for me to be able to wake up at this hour, I had to put the loudest sound I could in my alarm so I make sure I didn't stay in bed. One of my mom's super powers I guess 😂 Anyways here I am now, in the kitchen trying to make as less noises I can do so mom doesn't wake up, because another thing you need to know about my mom. She's not just an early person but also is a very very light sleeper. Just the smallest sound would woke her up in an instant so yeah, this breakfast in bed surprise is sounding more like a mission impossible but hey it's worth the try.

Since I'm only 10 and starting to learn how to cook my own breakfast, because of my mama's work sometimes I need to stay home alone so to lessen my mama's worries of letting me alone, I ask her if she could show me how to cook my own meals so she wouldn't worry I would starve to death. We started two weeks ago but she wanted to take it slow, so we started with how to make my own breakfast. I learn how to make: eggs, pancakes, bacon and waffles so far, so we going there. I decided that for mama's breakfast I would make her some bacon and confetti waffles with some whipped cream and sprinkles on top with orange juice. A good and fast breakfast idea for me since I only have 30 minutes before moms alarm wakes her.

After I make sure I had everything I needed I put my hands to work. First I did the waffles mixture, I turn on the waffle maker (I don't know how its called so my bad if its wrong😂) when it was hot enough I spray some butter and carefully put the mixture inside closing it, waiting for it to be done. While I was waiting I turn on the stove and took a pan and after it was hot enough I put a couple of slides of bacon so it would get cooked. After 15 minutes everything was cooked and I put everything on a plate. I decorated the waffles with some whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles and served the orange juice in moms favorite cuo with a straw in it. With everything done their was only one thing left. Get if to mom. I make my way upstairs then again trying to be as silent as I could be so I wouldn't spoil the surprise. With the most cautions steps I could do, I finally made it upstairs. Now the difficult part was opening the door without making a mess. After a couple of struggles, I finally could open mom's bedroom door, and I almost jump in excitement when I realized I didn't wake her up.

I make my way to the side of my moms bed and gently place it down in her night stand. I slowly climb besides her and started to give her a bunch of kisses over her face. All while I was whisper singing to her "Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear mama who I love so much and I know she loves me and shes the best person in the world, screw that the entire planet, my best friend in all universe. Happy birthday to youuuuu" I was so into my song that I didn't realize my mama was already awake until I feel her arms wrapped around me pushing me down to her chest in a big hug, and hear her giggled.

Scarlett POV
I wake up to the feeling of small lips living kisses all over my face and whisper singing happy birthday to me. I knew exactly who that little person could be. My ten year old daughter Michelle. She always does this on my birthday. She would sneak up in my bed and would sing happy birthday to me in her very own special way. Meaning she would add some original verse to the song and always makes my heart melt. Like every year she didn't realize that I was awake, it was adorable and she's so cute, I can't help myself I just want to squish her in my arms. I couldn't help myself anymore so I wrapped my arms around her while giggling, pushing her towards me as close as I could making her giggle to. Gosh how I love that sound. After I decided that was enough, because yes I love to have my babygirl in my arms but I won't suffocate her to dead. I loose my hold a little so I wasn't hugging her tight but still had her in my arms, she look up at me with the sweetest smile I could ever see "Happy Birthday mommy" I smile back at her and brush the hair out of her face, cupping her little chubby cheeks "Thank you my love" we stayed like that for a couple of minutes until she gasp quickly standing up "OMG I ALMOST FORGOT" "Woah slow down love. What happened?" she walk towards my night stand and turn around with a trade full of breakfast making my eyes widen and my mouth fell "What's all this baby girl" she carefully place it on my thighs while saying "This is for you mama. I make you breakfast"

I couldn't help but tear up a little

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I couldn't help but tear up a little. I mean my baby girl is just nearly learning how to cook her own breakfast, and yet she decided to cook this for me. "Aww mommy don't cry, today is your special day so no sadness is allowed" I didn't realize that I was crying until she said that wiping away my tears with her thumbs. I chuckled taking one of her hands in mine kissing it from the back "This are not sad tears baby. I'm just very happy for what you did for me my sweet girl" she look at me with her head tilted to the side and the same sweet smile from earlier "Sooo.... does that means that you like my surprise mama?" I giggled and lean forward cupping her cheeks with one hand "Oh my sweet girl mama didn't just like it. Mama loved and adore it so so sooo much🤗. Thank you my sweet love. I think this is the best birthday breakfast I could ever have" I put my lips together to signal her that I wanted to give her a kiss, when she did the same. I close the gap between us leaving a quick small peck in her lips "I love you so much my sweet love" "I love you so much more mama" I shake my head no "Nope. You can't love mama more than she loves you, that's impossible" "Well it is possible because I love you too infinity and beyond" I fake gasp "That much?" She giggled nodding her head. I smile "Well I feel the luckiest person on the planet for having a daughter who loves me that much" she flip her hair and whisper "As you should" I couldn't help my laughter, well there you have her. My sweet ten year old daughter who can also be this sassy little person sometimes. Honestly I don't know where she get that from.

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