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Fully expecting to wake from my own scream, I didn't panic when it didn't come. Instead, I found myself back in the dreamworld, back in the woods.

Something flew over my head, a fleeting shadow against the canopy of lush, towering trees. The woods offered the highest vantage point, but the sea of mushroom tops obscured anything beyond. I had never seen the sky of this world, only catching glimpses through the fast-moving Ollopa train window.

The canopy, a mosaic of branches and leaves, created a natural roof, filtering the floor's essence. The vibrant colors and sharp leaves added vitality and depth to the landscape, a tapestry of life.

The mystical views evoked a feeling of serenity and connection. It felt like the world was calling me, beckoning me to stay and explore its secrets.

"Well, look who it is." The voice startled me, and I whipped my head around. It wasn't the voice of the silver girl, but that of a boy. A voice I somehow recognized as Colik, the boy from the Ollopa train.

"Where'd you come from?" I asked, puzzled by his sudden appearance.

"I could ask you the same thing. Humans don't just show up in this world, especially not after boarding the Ollopa train." His tone was curious, almost accusatory.

"Well, I guess I am dreaming, again, or still," I explained, trying to make sense of it all.

"Hmm. Anything interesting happen?" He asked, looking genuinely intrigued.

"No," I lied, unsure of what was real anymore.

"That's all you have to say, is no? Why do I not believe you?" Colik asked, stepping closer, his presence both comforting and unsettling.

"I have been here, in these woods a few times. But the Ollopa train... why don't I remember anything before when I was on there, but now I remember everything," I confessed, feeling the weight of my confusion.

"The Ollopa train has this habit of making you only take notice of the present moment when you are aboard it. Something to do with the actuality of 'living in the moment'," Colik explained, his tone matter-of-fact.

"Habit? You make it seem as if it is alive?"

"Well, of course, it is. Everything in this world is alive. Is that not true about everything in your world?" Colik's question struck a chord with me.

"What are you?" I asked, trying to make sense of it all.

"Who am I, I think you mean. But the real question, Piper, is what are you?" He retaliated, his words hanging in the air, pregnant with meaning.

"I am a human..." I replied slowly, feeling a surge of uncertainty.

"How are you actually a human if..."

"So, you think I am lying?" I interrupted, feeling defensive.

"No, you were a human while on the Ollopa train, though a rarity. But now you are... here. And that is unheard of," he spoke slowly, his words sinking in.

"So, what are you then, if not a human?" I asked again, trying to grasp the situation.

"Well, a dreamer," he finally said, pushing back his shoulders, acting all proud, then looked directly at me, meeting my gaze again. He had those multi-colored eyes that literally haunted me, yes, but everything else about him seemed, well, normal. His proportions, looks, and posture were just, well, perfect. I couldn't help but think he was the epitome of a guy that a girl would dream up... I shook my head, trying to stray away from such alluring thoughts.


"Nothing." I replied a little too quickly and turned my head. He eyed me carefully but took it as it was.

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