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I couldn't get it out of my head. The red eyes. The wings. The monster. The day was early, and the sun was still rising. I was in and out of sleep the rest of the night, scared to dream of the red eyes again. It was Saturday, finally, so I had no curfew and no obligations. I decided to go back to the library to find out more about lucid dreaming. It didn't make sense, but it seemed that the more I talked about it, the more I inquired about it, the more I dreamed of that new world.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice say as I stepped up the steps to the library doors.

"How..." I started, turning to see the blind boy with white hair coming out from around the big, tall cylindrical pole.

"Are you following me?" I asked.

"It's called a public library for a reason. I am waiting for it to open, as are you." I looked up at the clock on the bell tower down the street. He was right, it didn't open for another five minutes.

"But you can't..." I stopped myself.

"Read, you mean? You know they have books in braille." He said again with a devious smile. His smile looked familiar, like I had seen it on someone else.

"Oh, right. Sorry."

"No worries."

"How did you know I was here?"

"I can feel vibrations, you kind of have to learn how to when you can't see this world. And you have a heavier step. I recognized it from last time."

"Oh." I sat down on the top step, and he joined me. I didn't say anything, but only because I was trying to redeem myself from my blind commentary.

"What are you searching for?" He asked. I looked over at him, confused.

"Searching for?"

"What book are you looking for? One comes to a library to search for a book, unless I am wrong."

"Oh, right. Yeah, I am looking up dreaming." I answered. I don't know why I was feeling so defensive right now. I guess I was just not used to being around someone actually blind. I didn't know how to act, and a part of me felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Suddenly the cane fell out of his hand and hit the steps hard, the sound echoing. I tried to grab it for him, but the boy snatched it up before I could even get a hold of it. His reflexes were fast for a blind boy.

"Dreaming. Anything specific about it?" He asked, once he put the cane in his other hand, away from my reach.

"I just have been having weird dreams, I guess, and trying to figure out why." I explained, but not sure if I should be telling him. I noticed his eyebrows raised behind his dark sunglasses.

"Weird dreams, in what way?"

"I think I am lucid dreaming. It is apparently this new thing where you are able to walk among dreams... I know, it sounds stupid. Crazy even."

"That is not crazy. It sounds like a perfect dream." I eyed him. He was intriguing, and yet my body was telling me to be skeptical.

"Perhaps. But there isn't much information on it."

"If there isn't much on it with regular books, I doubt there is any in Braille. Let me know what you find. I would be interested. I think dreaming is fascinating."

I nodded, then realized he wouldn't be able to see that. Just then, the bell rang, introducing the top of the hour, and I started up the rest of the steps to the front door, and away from the blind boy.

"Vivlio." He randomly spoke up behind me."

"Excuse me?"

"It means book in Greek. I think you should start there."

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