A Day of Work

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Vox woke up in his old bed. It was a horrible bed and not comfy at all. Vox missed is bed back at the tower but sacrifices had to be made if he was going to take advantage of Alastor's amnesia. Vox laid in bed on his back while his back tensed up.

Alastor sat in his chair in his room. Something felt off as if a bunch of time had passed but nothing had changed. Vox was still with him and he was waiting on him. Alastor felt his feelings for Vox still grow even though he didn't want them to. Vox was still his old self being very self centered but would give up his ego in a second for Alastor's approval. Vox was also still a love sick fool that was desperate for Alastor's affection. Alastor couldn't find is mic though. Alastor stood up to ask Vox for help finding it before they fixed the radio tower.

Vox laid in bed looking at his scars in his abs and chest. Vox looked as his boxers then to his feet to see the door starting to open. Alastor walked in and just looked at Vox. Vox felt himself blush.
"You are not dressed," Alastor said feeling his cheeks become hot as well.
"I uh, was getting up," Vox said.
"Hmmm, we are going to go on a hunt," Alastor said.
"Like for sinners?!" Vox said sounding excited but scared.
"Ooo that will be for later," Alastor said liking the idea. "No for my mic."
"Oh," Vox said knowing it was broken and he had no idea where it was.
"Oh?" Alastor asked.
"I just I couldn't find it when I looked for it last night," Vox said. "Maybe it's somewhere in the radio tower. What if you looked while I fixed it up."
Alastor liked that idea.
"Yes let's do that," Alastor said. "How about you get dressed and I'll meet you up there."
"Sounds great boss," Vox said to Alastor as he left the room and Vox fell back to the bed feeling like he needed help.

Vox was under the old radio console. He was zapping wires to see if they still worked. Vox could hear Alastor rummage around trying to look for his mic that no longer existed. Vox had to think of a reason why it was gone.
"I don't believe it is in here," Alastor called out.
"Weird," Vox called backed. "I wonder where it will be? Maybe you took it to that hotel?"
Vox knew he told him he didn't but maybe his memory was that bad.
"Maybe I feel like I'm forgetting a lot of stuff recently," Alastor said. "How's it going under there console?"
Vox came out to see Alastor in his chair that he used for broadcasting. Vox sat up and rested his arms on his knees and was observing Alastor. Alastor was too busy fiddling with buttons to notice Vox admiring him. Vox was so happy. He could stare at Alastor in the same room rather than through cameras. Alastor wasn't stopping him and was letting him do what he wanted.
"You are staring," Alastor said.
"Sorry just admiring you," Vox said as he rested his head in hand.
"Hmmm why?" Alastor asked as he hit a switch and the radio board lit up. "Look at that you do know how things work."
"You're handsome," Vox said answering Alastor's question which caught Alastor's attention.
Alastor swiveled his chair to look at Vox. Alastor tilted his head at Vox but not our anger like usual but out of curiosity to see if Vox would keep listing things. Vox could list things all day long.
"When I admire you," Vox started to explain. "You are handsome because of your face. It is plastered with a smile but I can tell when it is genuine and that makes my stomach flutter. I like your eyes even when they are mad they turn into radio dials and for some reason that makes my heart pound with attraction rather than fear. When your eyes are normal I feel like I am staring into the stars that we no longer see. Your nose is cute. I like your ears because they look so soft and I want to pet them. I like your antlers when they are small they look easy to touch and to make you feel overwhelmed with touch pleasure. You don't see it sexual because you don't like those activities but I take it that way because you let out small happy moans when I rub them. I love the way they grow when you shift into your demonic overlord form. I like your pale skin as I can easily see when you are blushing like now."
Alastor felt the heat from his cheeks. Alastor felt his ear twitch from being called out. Alastor turned back around and looked at the console. Alastor was at a loss for words so he was going to distract Vox.
"So do you think you could go to that hotel and get my mic back?" Alastor asked.
Vox was snapped out of his love state. Vox just told Alastor everything he wanted to when he stared at him but Alastor just threw him to the ground with that question.
"Uh yeah," Vox said.
Fuck why did I say that Vox thought. Vox had no idea how that was going to go but he was going to have to figure something out. Vox would do anything to keep Alastor loving in the past.

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