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“Forfeiting a fortune means certain death to the one doing the forfeital.”


The tumultuous night does not stop with the disappearance of the Royal Queen or the upheaval in the General's Residence. Sometimes, it seems only members of the higher class can have the most drama. Yet, in an obscure part of the country as nearest to the ending of it as it could be, a commoner's life is about to be disrupted in a not so pleasant way.

In the course of twenty minutes, Leurayssa had sat Ciara down and offered her milk or rum. Ciara had chosen milk and she watched Leurayssa from behind the mug with slightly bemused eyes. Leurayssa is still struck by the ball sitting boldly in the middle of her palms. She wonders if it is fake but all the same, she knows it is real.

"Say something," Ciara urges, causing Leurayssa to finally blink out of her mindlessness.

"This… I mean… this costs a fucking ton of money," Leurayssa stammers.

"It was gathered from four generations. Passed down for my sake. It's only worth a year. I'm expected to earn scholarship tuition through hardwork for the other three years."

"O…okay? It's yours. Why are you giving it to me? You can't pass… you can't pass up this opportunity."

Only youths with at least one percent cryfix affinity could attend Albenarum. The odds of being below the one percent range is nearly zero. In glaring truth, Albenarum is free for all. It is the price that scares away those of the lower class. Without a degree from Albenarum, it is illegal to wield any cryfix. Ergo, Albenarum is the bridge between nobles and commoners.

"You have the chance to lift yourself, to raise your status."

Ciara snorts. "Yeah, fat chance. The reason only nobles go to Albenarum is because commoners can simply not last there. I'd rather be rich forever with five hundred thousand gold Albs and spend my money elsewhere. Your sister has stolen my fortune by stealing my drawing. I want you to assume my position, go to Albenarum. If you don't need to bring your sister back, at least bring back my drawing."

"How do you know that's where she went?"

"Well she didn't make that very difficult. Your sister, after committing the act she just sniggered in a mischievous manner and said: 'Albenarum, here I come.'"

"That's not how she sounds like."

"That's how she sounds like to me."

"How do you sound like to you?"

Ciara gives her a pointed look.

"I can't take this. You might regret giving it to me. It's in your family, keep it for your offspring if you don't want it. I'm sorry for my sister and I'll bear all expenses." Leurayssa pushes the token back into Ciara's hands. Ciara glares at her.

"Do you think your restaurant can afford you a token?"

"Who says I need a year?" Leurayssa sputters, "I can go in and work."

Ciara bursts into laughter. "You really think they'll take you in as a maid? You have no idea how many far more qualified people apply for such lowly jobs there. You wouldn't stand a chance."

"Impersonation is a crime."

"Only if you're caught," Ciara quips. "The rest of my life depends on that drawing especially when you believe so much I'll soon be out of job for refusing to— what was it, eh?— define my loyalties? A rich stranger offered me a contract to draw it. And I was pretending to be asleep when your sister stole it. I know not how it was that she was aware of it but she was. We were up to twenty sharing the room and she woke up not a single soul, a feline she is indeed. I could've screamed and she would've been discovered, but I had to think about the drawing. I don't know what people would make of the drawing of a cryfix based so far away. That's why I had to let her go. Who knows when my contractor would be back for it? He won't pay me if I don't have the drawing, that's for sure."

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