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“The Twin Mountains is the cryfix of House Dropp."


The woman begins to stroll out of the arena.

"Where are you going?"

"You are not leaving, so I am."

"We are not done."

The woman halts. "Yes we are. I've established you are unsuitable for any kind of work. I'd have reached the same conclusion three days ago."

"Just so you know, I have my own establishment."

"Doing what?"

"Serving hungry people."

"Then go back to it."

"Not yet. I've decided I need experience here."

"I've decided you don't."

"Can we merge our decisions and make a concensus in between?"

The woman finally turns to face Leurayssa. "What's your name girl?"


"Full name."

"I don't have a full name."

"You are an orphan then. So what major house do you really belong to. What accent are you trying to cover?"

There is no use lying to the woman now. "Cailis."

The woman's eyes grow dark. "Who told you to hide it?"

"No one! I… I just thought I should."

"Because you could?"

"Because I could."

"Let us pretend I believe you. You'll speak with the proper accent you've spoken your whole life when addressing me, understood?"

"Yes," Leurayssa responds in her normalised tone.

"Good. Now Leu-ray-ssa, what kind of employment do you seek?"

"Any kind really."

The woman is not impressed. "And what qualifications do you have?"

"I… I have my own establishment."

"Where is your establishment located?"

Leurayssa bows her head to hide a creeping blush. "Cailis."

"Then you don't have the right qualifications."

"What are the right qualifications?"

"Catch." Before Leurayssa can ask what she is catching, the woman's sparring sword is sailing through the air right at her. It hits her pointblank on the forehead and she topples, landing on her butt, the weapon clattering beside her.


"You can't catch. Don't whine, stand up and throw it back at me."

Sulking, Leurayssa stands. She tosses the sword weakly out of spite. In a blink, the woman is front of Leurayssa, grabbing the sword's hilt before it can touch the ground.

"I can catch," the woman says smugly, "you can't throw. Dodge." The sword smacks Leurayssa hard on the jaw before she can process the instruction. She then puts the sword in Leurayssa's hands unable to hold back a taunting smirk. "You can't dodge. Can you wield?"

At this point, Leurayssa is so angry that she swings the sword in blind rage. The weapon hits air instead and the woman is behind Leurayssa shoving her back so that she falls down again. "I can dodge. You can't wield. On your feet."

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