Chapter 2: Decisions

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Pueehn immediately looked at his companion and stated very nervously to Apsymy. "There is not much time. Apsymy you know we are running out of time. We are no longer wanted here by our fellow companions back on Vequaniel. They believe we have accomplished what we came here for. But truly we have not.

Trocox must continue on the legacy of us after we are gone. And since he has connected with someone through his dreams, finally, I know... I know that I can rest and leave out of this foreign universe in peace.

Apsymy looked at Pueehn with hurt and understanding. She knew that it was time to depart from her beloved son. It was time to let him live the live his new life.

She began to speak. "I know, I have came to the understanding when he told me he had connected to someone through his dreams. I realized he found someone to help like me and you did many years ago. And yes...we are running out of time. We shall began to plan his departure this week. Our fellow companions in Vequaniel need us for the remaining time we have of this long, interesting, and mysterious life we have lived.

"Sam I know I've been telling you about what has been happening to me and you are rather tired but I think I have made up my mind to listen to my dream." She looked toward Sam and waited for a reply.

"I know Maria and since I am your best of friends I feel like I am obliged to go with you on this mysterious quest you have to discover what this dream meant. The thing is how do we even know if this place exists."

She looked at Sam with astonishment when she realized that he had accepted what she is going to do and wants to go with her on her mysterious quest. She quickly began to reply, "Well, that's the problem Sam. I have had the dreams so much that I have practically memorized the route in the Shailhaven woods to this mysterious place. The reason I believe this place exist is because I've heard before that there are hundred of year old houses that reside in the Shailhaven woods. They used to be mansions and castles that rulers lived in hundreds of years ago. I am surprised they still remain here. Don't you?"

He was listening intensively and realized that Maria always have something interesting to tell him. She was always researching about something. He began to reply, "I am surprised. I didn't realize those houses were that old. And how exactly are we going to find these "old mansions?"

"Well.. my dreams have described them to me. It is up to me to follow it and see where it leads me. It is my choice. Since we are done with school and we have really nothing to do for the rest of today. Would you like to follow me into the Shailhaven woods and see if this is all real?"

He looked at her with fear that he tried to subdue since he was the of the male species and he was not suppose to be afraid of anything except God. He quickly replied to her. "Y-y-yes... but only if I check to make sure if I have my pocket knife. I must protect you and myself."

She looked at him and smiled and realized that he would always protect her because he was such an amazing friend. She held his hand and began walked down the sidewalk of her neighborhood. Since she lived so close to the Shailhaven woods and was eerily creeped out about them since she was 6, she had to control every nerve in her body not to just bail out and never try this again. But she knew she needed to pursue this. She must because the dreams would not leave her alone if she did not.

Her feet started to become submerged into the thick, dark mud that was washed up on the sidewalk from the big mud patches that were in front of her old neighbors house Mrs. Rule. Sam quickly followed behind her. She cut across the street and walked for what seemed like forever.

As she walked she saw all of the identical houses and the perfectly well kept lawns that were in her gated community. As she came closer and closer to the sign that said "Welcome to Brushshire" She began to question whether she had made the right decision. She started to see the Shailhaven woods and her heart immediately sank to the bottom of her chest. She began to tremble. They looked exactly how they did in her dream. Is this really real?

Sam tried to calm her and asked "Is this really what you want to do? You know you can just forget about all of this and just go back to being a normal 16 year old. You can just stop... stop and we can just go back to being best friends like we have been since 1st grade."

"No Sam, the dreams will haunt me. I cannot live another day with these dreams. I was told in the dreams that if I go into Shailhaven woods I would be able to correct things I never thought could be corrected."

He looked at her with confusion and said, "But how do you know it's just not another thing that is going wrong mentally with you. You know they have medication for that." He said with a sneer

She began to smile. She felt happy inside again. Sam always seem to be able to make her laugh over something sarcastic even at moments like this. She said "I don't want to be like this anymore Sam. I want to have a clear head. I do not think medication will help this. I'm already on some."

He looked at her with surprise and shock. His green eyes widened

"You never..."

She interrupted. "I didn't want you to have to deal with another one of my confusing problems. You help me enough as is Sam. I want you to live a normal teenage life. I feel like I owe that to you."

"No you do not Maria. I feel good when I help you because you are truly my dearest friend, always have been always will be."

She replied with a similar answer they have used since they were in first grade when realized they were going to be best friends forever.

"Always have been, always will be." She smiled at him with contentment and hugged him.

They both turned and let out a big sigh and slowly but surely left their gated community. As they walked further and further away from their gated community they began to see more and more trees. They knew they had entered the Shailhaven woods.

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