Chapter 14: One More Chance

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Maria came in and out of consciousness, as she did she looked at Sam and her heart had so much pain in it, because she realize he was probably taking his last breaths. She tried her best to reach her hand over to him and comfort him but he just kept grasping for air and coughing up blood. The EMT was trying to calm her as she was sobbing hysterically.

They wanted to know what her name was. She immediately tried to give them as much information as possible because she wanted her parents to find out what happened to her as fast a possible. She did not want to be left in a cold morgue bed for a whole week until her body was identified.

So she said as much as she could, "My name is Maria, his name is Sam. I live in the Brushire community on 111 Hill Shire Lane. My mothers name is Fatimah and my fathers name is Adam. Please help me and Sam. He is my best of friends. Get him out first he is dying. Please don't let us die, I'm only 16 and I want to live."

The EMT looked at her with amazement that she told him so much information in such little time. Most of his victims can barely get out their first name. He begun to tell Maria, "You are very strong woman. We will help you," he said as he reached up and touched her long brunette hair to comfort her. 

She just kept repeatedly saying to him, "Please don't let us die, please... Get Sam first he is in worst condition than me just please get him first."

He looked at her with understatement and said, "We won't sweety don't worry you are in safe hands now. Also we are not sure who is in worst shape. It may look like he is in worst shape but you could be in even worse shape. Sometimes the outside may look bad but the inside of a body may be not so bad. Then some body's look fine on the outside after it's been injured but on the inside it is completely messed up and destroyed. Believe me we will help and save both of you."

As the EMT tried to continue to talk, Maria fell out on consciousness. He immediately knew it was getting bad. He yelled and told the fire department to continue to attempt on sawing the car open. They immediately responded and got to work.

He ran over to Sam dnd yelled, "Don't go out on us buddy, stay awake!" Sam's eyes flew open and he coughed up more blood. Maria gained back consciousness and begun sobbing again and yelling, "Get him out he is dying!" They immediately begun to try and speed up the process.

Trocox stood in horror while this was all happening. His whole world felt like it was crashing down upon him. Maria was in the process of dying and Sam was already almost dead. He could almost hear the life...or whatever life he had left falling out of him.

How could everything go wrong so quickly? He knew he had to take it all back. For him, her and Sam. He looked up at the sky and prayed, he prayed for a solution. 

He looked down at the grey gravel on the interstate and heard the EMT yelling and screaming and his heart begun to hurt. He did not realize how much he had become attached to her until now. He had been watching her for years. He had thought about helping her for he did not know how long. Now all of that was in complete turmoil and his first project was almost gone right before his eyes.

He was not sure why he felt so hurt. He had other projects that did not end so well and he did not feel so bad. So what was it? Was be more connected to her than his other failed projects? Was he falling in love with her?

It was about 6:30 P.M and Fatimah was pacing back and forth on her red plush carpet in her grand living room and wondering where were they? They should have been home by now since Canera closed at 8:00 P.M. and by 6:30 they are wrapping up everything and expect the costumer flow to slow down tremendously. 

She looked at Adam while he was on their brown leather recliner leaned back and said, "Why aren't they here by now Honey? Don't you think it's kind of strange that she is not here? She is never late for her curfew. She is always home around the time we say she should be. So what is it?"

He looked up from reading his Time magazine and thought about the fact that he and his wife had so much in common. She and him loved reading Time magazines.

When he first met and married her he was so happy to find out that she loved reading the Times like him. That was one of the several things they had in common. He was not sure how they had many things in common and love each other, but they fight a lot and have problems. He begun to think that's just how it goes he guessed.

He replied with a sigh, "Well I would tell you you're over reacting, but the last time I told you that something really was wrong. .You felt something wasn't right when Maria had strayed out into the middle of the night over an "adorable cat." He said with a grin and a chuckle.

She looked at him and laughed, "Our daughter is very very interesting, she burst out in laughter and covered her mouth." When she did so her father realized she looked just like his daughter and she was beautiful just like his daughter. He loved the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed.

Fatimah stopped laughing and looked at Adam and said, "I'm getting really worried honey, it's now 7:10 and their still not home. She said this with huge worry in her eyes. Adam looked up at her and realized she was worried. He put down his Time magazine and walked over to her and hugged her and said, "Everything will be okay Sweety. She's fine, she probably made Sam stop the car to look at an "adorable cat." He laughed while holding her.

Fatimah giggled a little and realize how much her and her husband had been getting along. They had barely fought for the past week and that is unusual for them. They usually fight every day, or every other day. Her day was going quite well besides Maria is still out.

Maybe there was hope for her marriage, as she thought this she put her face into her husbands chest and took a deep breath and said, "I love you."

He stared at their grand dark brown wooden fireplace and said, "I love you too. No matter what happens I will always love you honey, okay?" She looked into his eyes as he said this and said, "Okay." She smiled at him and looked down and her long brown hair fell forward and while she did she heard a loud knock on her tall double front door that resided in their pretty vestibule.

Adam looked away from her and looked toward the entrance of the door and realized he could not see the door because of where their couch was positioned. Before he could even stand up answer the door Yacoob ran from out of no where and opened the door.

Fatimah yelled at Yacoob, "Do not open doors unless I give you permission, you're only 5!"

Before he could reply and listen to her he ran to the door and said, he yelled in a confused but amused way, "Mommy, why are the policeman here?"

Maria begun to pray to herself, "Just one more chance. Oh please god just one more chance. I'll appreciate life more...I'll live a better life I'll... As soon as she said this the car split in two. The fire department had completely sawed the car in two.

As her body fell out of the car the pain and horror that her body felt was indescribable. She screamed out in a streaking yell and said, "Owww!

The EMT apologized and quickly begun to run to her aid. She begun to yell and fight with the little strength she had left, "Get Sam, Get Sam, not me please! He's dying oh please get him!"

The EMT looked at her and realized they had to calm her if they were to get anywhere. They said, "Don't worry about him. He is in safe hands." They also figured out his name and was happy they would have a way to identify the young red-haired man.

Trocox stood in horror. He saw her fall out of the car and he realized it was definitely her. His whole plan was falling apart in front of him and he was not even sure how to correct it and put the pieces back together. He had not learned how to take back time like his father.

He was not taught just yet. He needed the family Heirloom. He needed the book.

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