Chapter 16: Is There Light At the End of the Tunnel?

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Fatimah looked up and looked completely dazed as the police officers were speaking. She heard what they said she just didn't accept it. She looked down again and put her head in her hands. Adam was trying to understand the fact that his daughter got into the worse crash their town had seen in over 30 years.

The police was trying to explain to them that they needed to pray because the chances of her surviving was very low. They asked Fatimah and Adam, "Would you like me to find a preacher that could come here and speak with you." That is how serious the situation was.

Adam looked up at them and and replied rather quickly and said, "That will not be needed , we are Muslim."

The police officer looked down surprised but rather understanding and said, "Ohhh okay, I understand." From the looks of the way their house was he could tell they were not Christian. 

The police officer begun to explain the horrible injuries he had heard from the EMT that Maria sustained. Adam stopped him in the middle and said, "Please, we cannot handle anymore."

The police officer explained that she was at the Children Hospital of Brushire Falls. They immediately told Yacoob that was sitting across from them in completely horror and shock and kept repeatedly repeating. "This isn't true, Maria is okay. This isn't true." to get ready.

He was in a stance for awhile he could not believe what was happening. His sister, his only sibling was on the verge of dying. His whole small world was crashing down.  Since he was only 5 he did not know how to deal with himself when this type of this stuff happening.

Fatimah grabbed Yacoob and looked deep into his eyes and said, "Please go get ready, we have to go. Maria will be okay." She kissed him on the forehead while tears were running down her eyes. It seemed like she kissed him for so long. Yacoob complied and ran upstairs.

Fatimah got ready the quickest she had her entire life. Once she was covered completely she ran out the door with Adam. She forgot to lock the door before she left.

Sam was taking long, deep, sudden breaths while he was on the stretcher. He knew it would be his last. He looked up at the ceiling and thought about Maria. He never told her how much he loved her, how much he was in love with her. He never got to have the "happy forever after" that he was suppose to get with the girl he loves. He begun to cry but then realized he was to weak to even scream.

He just laid there slowly fading out while thinking about his life. His whole life begun to flash in front of him. The little of it he had lived since he was only 16. He though about his family, his dog, his neighbors, his friends and school. And then his mind kept coming back to Maria. His first and only love.

He started to get angry with himself and thought, "Why hadn't he told her sooner? Why hadn't he told her how much he loved her and they have a happily forever after like something out of Cinderella, except he was not sure he would find her slipper and give it to her since she was already rich. He smiled inside just thinking about something like that with Maria.

Had he lived his life the way he should have? Had he?

He could faintly see the doctors over him trying to pump his chest. Then suddenly he faded out again. 

The doctors were over him, The blond surgeon told the nurse to shock him as they shocked Sam his chest lifted like 6 inches in the air. His red hair fell over his face. He fell there silent without any movement. He did not have any breaths whatsoever.

The blond surgeon waited like 5 minutes while looking at his watch and then tried again, "On the count of three." As they did they shocked Sam the heart monitor showed no signs of life.

They waited a few minutes and the blond surgeon told the nurse to keep giving him oxygen through the Ambu bag. His chest was moving but the only reason it was, was because of the ambu bag...he was not breathing on his own.

The blond surgeon looked down in worry. He knew it was time to shock him one more time. They shocked him one more time and as they did his chest flew up and he fell there. He was silent and cold to the touch. They knew he had dead.

Only 16 years old, the best friend of Maria. Soft, compassionate, sweet, amazing. His life was over and Maria had no idea of this. She was on the other side of the hospital barely clinging to life and being treated for her serious injuries.

The blond haired doctor name Dr. Stevens looked up and asked the new red haired intern that was watching in horror the time of death. Since she was new on the job and this was her first "real" case she was severely affected by it. She just couldn't grasp the fact that this young and spry boy could have no more life in him, fairly his life was over.

She could not speak sense, she just kept saying, "I have to keep pumping, I have to keep pumping." Sams chest was inflating and deflating at the help of her. As she kept doing this blood started to come out of his mouth and Dr. Stevens realized she was severely hurting this young corpse. 

It was just plain wrong to him and also he could get sewed for hurting a body after it had died. He yelled at her and the whole room felt like it shook. "Amanda! Tell me the time of death now! He is dead there is nothing else you can do."

This immediately snapped the nurse into her senses and she immediately said, while sobbing hysterically. She dropped the blood filled Ambu bag as she did this and said, "21:00..." She took off her mask and ran out of the room crying, while taking in the fact that her first patient died at the hands of her, so she thought."

When really she had no ability to save him anyway it was his time to leave this world. The blond doctor came over and closed Sam glazed over eyes. He straighten up his bloody face and ordered the nurses to cover him up. They complied.

He let out a huge sigh and said, "Well now let's tell the family the sad news." He walked out of the emergency room and down the hallway that seemed so long to him. He hated having to deliver the news of death, and loved delivering the news of survival.

He slowly walked down the hallway with his head down and got on the elevator and pressed 1, which was the waiting room. His doctor gown was covered in dark red, thick, dried blood, which was Sam's . As he did he just looked up at the ceiling and prayed, he prayed this job would be easier for him, but then he realized he's a surgeon, when are their job ever easy?

He heard the last ding and the door opened, As soon as it did it just so happen that Sam's parents were sitting right across from him in two of the waiting chairs. Rebecca, Sam's mom, looked up with a look on her face that suggested she hoped that wasn't the surgeon that was helping her son.

Her eyes were beat red as well as her face. She looked like she had been crying for hours. Her dark red hair was over her face. Her husband David was sitting there rocking back and forth and looking extremely worried. The surgeon slowly walked up to them and Rebecca's worst fears were realized.

That must have been her son's blood she thought. As the surgeon begun to tell her her son had passed away, she collapsed on the floor and her red hair fell forward and she begun to cry and cry. David grabbed his arm and told him. "My son may be soft, and compassionate, but he is strong. He would have fought...tell me he fought?" 

He begun to cry when he realized his son really had died from the look in the surgeons eyes. David begun to cry so hard everyone in the waiting room begun to look up at them. David sat down on the brown, wooden waiting chair and put his big, white, and very pale hands in his face and just cried. Rebecca was on the waiting room floor crying and crying.  

The light of their life had just died out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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