Chapter 1

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Waiting outside for hours on end, sitting, standing, watching and waiting. Girls crying, parents moaning everywhere you look it's the same boring yet slightly amusing scene. Nothing but a sea of people flood the area around me, hoping to get that little bit closer but they then find themselves being escorted to the back of the queue.

Shuffling back and forth in the limited space I have, making the most of the area that fills the small gap between me and the person next to me. I'm pushed and shoved from every direction possible, young girls about 11 years old humming songs whilst skipping past me, most people would find this sweet and cute, where as me, I find it irritating. I rush towards the spot where I will be stood for the next 4 hours as a swarm of couples fill the small section that I am stood in, they stand there kissing and hugging, just being inconsiderate of every other person in this stadium.

I look for my phone so I can delete some photos before it starts, so that I have enough storage to take videos. It's not in my bag or pockets. I collapse onto my knees emptying the contents of my bag onto the slightly damp floor still nothing. I look around for someone carrying my phone, panic starts filling my body from head to toe I turn pale and my heart starts to drop. A young girl runs towards me holding my phone tripping occasionally over stray bags and coats.

"Thank-you so much" I almost cry to the small child whilst sprinting towards her.

She beams at me before skipping back to her mum. The colour soon returns to my body and I carry on waiting, there is only half an hour left now.

More and more people start to gather in the stadium, trying to squeeze into small gaps to try and get that little bit closer to the stage. People around me start fainting from the heat and lack of water, the paramedics that are already on site start escorting people out of the audience to prevent them from collapsing. Security guards try and break up fights that have started to occur at the front of the stage, occasionally being hit with flying bags.

My feet ache and my head hurts, I don't know how much longer I can wait. I haven't eaten or slept in a day, I feel like imp dying a slow painful death.

"Do you need some water" a friendly face asks me.

I look up to see a tall, long curly haired boy with a concerned look on his face holding out a bottle of water. I don't manage to say anything so I just nod and take the bottle from him. I drink almost all of it as soon as I get it.

"I'm sorry" I laugh handing him the remainder of the water back to him.

"It's fine you looked thirsty that's all, what's your name?"

"Poppy and you are?"

"Harry, it's nice to meet you" he holds his hand out for me to shake as the lights go down and every eye in the stadium is on the small door where our idols will soon emerge from.


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