Metal ceiling

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It's cold.

The thin blanket doesn't protect from the harsh metal leaching away every last bit of heat Prussia has in his bruised body.

Another hunger pang twists his stomach in itself.

The holy runes on his body tear at his strength but he has become accustomed to them in the last couple of weeks. He doesn't know how long he has been Polish-Lithuanian commonwealths test subject but the frost and snow that sometimes find their way into the basement indicate that it's been a few months at this point.

Prussia doesn't move from the corner of his cell when he hears footsteps coming down the narrow staircase, too used to his daily checkup.

"Morning" he greets his captor out of forced politeness and an attempt to remind everyone that he is more than just the animal everyone thinks he is. He doesn't expect a reply though. Today isn't any different.

PLC places some books back into their respective shelf while not even bothering to look over to the literal child stuck in the cage.

When all the books are sorted the polish nation walks over to the 'utility' shelf and grabs a few sharp knives out of it. Prussia has grown used to this morning ritual and forces himself to his feet, despite the frozen fingers and beat up muscles.

It will be over faster if he just lets PLC do whatever the older nation feels like dishing out. Resisting means punishment and no food, the latter Prussia can no longer afford to miss.

"Out" PLC orders and opens the cage door, granting Prussia a few precious seconds to stretch himself after exiting the cramped cage. With a slap to the back of his head he walks over to the wooden table in the middle of the room and sits down on it.

No idea what PLC is planning to do today but based on the sharp knives and other silver tools he'd hazard a guess that this will be another bloodletting day.

PLC doesn't warn him either when he activates one of the runes etched into prussias body which causes him fall over as the holy magic numbs his body till he can't even twitch.

With a few tugs PLC lays him down on his stomach, back exposed to the cold air. Prussia curses the rune for not numbing the pain or knocking him out completely when PLC starts dragging the knife through his skin to collect the blood that drips out in a glass vial.

He has to be careful about the amount of blood he takes though because prussias body simply isn't in the position to replenish it quickly.

With metal clamps the wound gets pulled open so it can't close.

Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth isn't done yet and scribbles something on prussias skin... probably a new rune he wants to test out.

Not that prussia cares about it anymore.

He can feel himself slipping at the repetitive motion and drain as yet another rune tears at his magic.

Before he disassociates completely he chuckles slightly at the thought that his captor will have to remove one rune otherwise their strain will surpass the amount of runes his body can tolerate.

What effect will this one have, he wonders......

When Prussia wakes up again from the space his mind wanders to whenever PLC experiments on him it's dark in the room as no sunlight is reaching the room anymore.

Not his first time he missing the whole day.

Groggy and shivering he looks at the loose bandages wrapped around his torso. As he is assessing the damage his eyes snap to the bowl of mystery goop that wasn't in his cell before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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