Chapter 11

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Requested update by: XygourneyMargaux 🎀 


Third Person's Point Of View

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks slowly morphed into months. Each passing day felt like an eternity for Maloi, as the distance between her and Colet seemed to widen, filled with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.


Colet threw herself into her studies with a fervor that surprised even her closest friends. Her determination to excel academically became a shield, protecting her from the tumult of emotions that had begun to overwhelm her. She filled her days with back-to-back classes, library sessions, and late-night study groups, leaving little room for anything else, especially thoughts of Maloi.

On top of her academic commitments, Colet immersed herself in org activities. She and Aiah had taken the delay of their much-anticipated announcement as a challenge, working tirelessly to ensure that it would be a grand success. They organized meetings, coordinated with various departments, and spent countless hours refining every detail.

The day of the announcement finally arrived, and it was nothing short of spectacular. The event was a showcase of talent, hard work, and meticulous planning. Banners fluttered in the breeze, colorful posters adorned every wall, and the air buzzed with excitement.

Colet stood at the helm, her heart pounding with a mixture of pride and anxiety as she watched their vision come to life.

"Ayah, we did it," Colet said, her voice a mixture of disbelief and triumph as they stood on stage, addressing the audience. The applause was deafening, a testament to the success of their efforts.

Aiah grinned, her eyes sparkling with joy. "We did, Col. Sabi sa'yo eh, worth it." Colet went silent for a minute, thinking of a certain person.

Aiah beside her gave Colet a friendly nudge. "Come on, let's celebrate. You deserve it."

As they basked in the glow of their success, Colet couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. Despite the accolades and the joy of accomplishment, a part of her heart remained heavy with unresolved feelings for Maloi.

Meanwhile, Maloi found herself struggling with a different kind of turmoil. She had tried, time and again, to bridge the gap that had formed between her and Colet.

But each attempt at communication was met with silence, each effort to reconnect seemed to push Colet further away.

With a heavy heart, Maloi decided it was time to focus on herself.

Pinili ni Maloi ang sarili niya, at least for now.

She threw herself into her studies as well, attending every class, completing assignments with renewed vigor, and spending more time with friends like Jhoanna, who had become a constant source of support and comfort.

One afternoon, as she walked through the bustling campus, she overheard snippets of conversations about the success of Colet and Aiah's announcement. It seemed to be the talk of the town, and Maloi couldn't help but feel a mixture of pride and sorrow.

She had always known Colet was capable of great things, and hearing about the announcement's success filled her with a bittersweet sense of pride.

"Congrats, Col. I'm proud of you," Maloi whispered to herself, a wistful smile playing on her lips. She couldn't help but wonder if Colet knew how much she still cared, even from a distance.

Despite her best efforts to move on, Maloi couldn't completely shake the sadness that lingered in her heart.

The void left by Colet's absence was a constant reminder of the friendship she had lost, and it haunted her during quiet moments.


One evening, Maloi found herself at Jhoanna's house, a place that had become a second home to her in the months since she had distanced herself from Colet.

The warm, inviting ambiance of the Robles household provided a much-needed respite from the emotional turbulence of the past few months.

"Welcome ka rito, Mary Loi!" Jhoanna's mom greeted her with a warm hug as she stepped inside. "We're so glad you could join us for dinner."

"Salamat po, Tita," Maloi murmured, feeling a lump form in her throat.

The kindness of Jhoanna's family was a balm for her troubled heart.

Dinner was a delightful affair, filled with laughter and warmth. Jhoanna's parents treated Maloi as if she were their own daughter, their affection and care enveloping her in a cocoon of comfort. Jhoanna's an only child after all.

After dinner, Maloi and Jhoanna retreated to Jhoanna's room. The familiar space was a haven of comfort and security, a stark contrast to the emotional chaos that had defined Maloi's life in recent months. They settled on the bed, leaning against the headboard with their legs stretched out in front of them.

"Okay, spill it," Jhoanna said, breaking the silence. "What's REALLY going on, Maloi?"

Maloi didn't speak immediately. Instead, she took a deep gulp, her eyes shifting away from Jhoanna's intense gaze. She felt the weight of Jhoanna's concern, but the words seemed stuck in her throat, too heavy to articulate.

Sensing Maloi's hesitation, Jhoanna reached out, gently cupping Maloi's face with both hands. "Loi," she said softly, "tumingin ka naman sa akin oh."

Maloi's eyes met Jhoanna's, and she was met with a gaze so full of warmth and understanding that it nearly broke her resolve. Jhoanna's eyes were soft, reflecting a depth of care that Maloi found both comforting and overwhelming.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me," Jhoanna continued, her voice a tender whisper. "Nandito lang ako."

The tenderness in Jhoanna's voice and the gentleness of her touch broke down the barriers Maloi had been building around herself. She felt the tension in her body start to ease, and before she knew it, the words began to spill out.

"Hi.. hindi ko na alam, Jho," Maloi admitted, her voice trembling. "Confused lang ako. Colet... she's been avoiding me. It's like she's just drifted away eh, like after all those years we spent together, nawala lang."

Jhoanna nodded, her hands still cradling Maloi's face, providing a steady anchor in the storm of emotions. "It's okay, Loi. Take your time. Nakikinig ako."

Maloi took another shaky breath, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I just... I miss her, Jho. I miss how close we used to be. And now, it feels like I'm losing her, and I don't even know why. It's like there's this wall between us, and I can't break through."

Jhoanna's heart ached for Maloi. She could see the depth of her friend's pain and confusion, and it hurt to see her struggling like this. She pulled Maloi into a comforting embrace, holding her tightly. "Maybe... may reason si Colet. Pero alam mo, Loi.. Ako? 'Di kita iiwan."

Maloi nodded against Jhoanna's shoulder. She clung to Jhoanna, finding solace in her friend's unwavering support. "Thank you, Jho," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to burden you with all of this."

Jhoanna gently pulled back to look Maloi in the eyes, her expression soft yet resolute. "You're not burdening me, Loi. I want to be here for you, through the good times and the bad."

Maloi managed a faint smile, touched by Jhoanna's unwavering loyalty. "You've always been too good to me, Jho," she admitted, a hint of sadness lingering in her voice.

Jhoanna shook her head gently. "No, Loi. You deserve all the love and support in the world. And I'm here because I want to be. So, please, don't shut me out."

Maloi nodded, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "I won't," she promised softly, knowing that she couldn't continue to carry this burden alone.

With a sigh, Jhoanna reached for Maloi's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Come on," she said gently, her voice infused with a hint of determination. "Let's take it one step at a time. We'll figure this out together."

Maloi nodded again, feeling a renewed sense of hope stirring within her. She knew that resolving things with Colet wouldn't be easy, but having Jhoanna by her side gave her the courage to face whatever lay ahead.


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