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Y/n's POV

"Five, could you just.." I sighed, "Please put the book down for a second. Please. Just for a second."

An irritated Five grumbled. "Didn't I just tell you that I can't have any distractions right now? I'm almost done with this part of the equation and I can't lose my train of thought."

"Can you forget about the apocalypse for like one minute? Just for a minute. Please," I practically begged, putting my hands together. I couldn't even remember a conversation I had with him that didn't relate to the apocalypse.

As if he was done with me, he lazily put down the book and pen. He gave me an annoyed stare and questioned, "What? What do you want?"

Now that he was facing me, I could see how tired he was. Maybe it was from our old age or from the amount of sleepless nights he had. He was mentally and physically exhausted and it worried the hell out of me.

How long would he take until he dies from this? He wasted all his years trying to save his family's life without even having the time to have his own. And he's wasting mine because I've been waiting for him.

Finally, with his full attention, I gently approached him with a suggestion. I hesitated, "Can we just.. take a break? You know, relax a bit? Just you and me away from the apocalypse for a little while. It's been a long time since we've been on a date. Maybe we cou-"

He interrupted me with his face full of disbelief. "That's what you wanted to tell me..? To go on a date? We don't have time for a date. Y/n, I can feel it. I know we're close to leaving the commission and then we can focus on saving the world. When I figure out this equation and save the world, maybe then I could take you out."

"What do you mean 'we don't have enough time', Five? We have allll the time you need. I mean, you spent our whole fucking marriage on this. What makes it different now?"

He scoffed, "The apocalypse is bigger than our marriage, Y/n. The lives of 7 billion people are on the line and I'm trying to make sure it never happens. While you just want to go on some date right now."

I shook my head, 'I couldn't believe this asshole.' I muttered, "Why did I even marry you?"

"Excuse me?" He sat up in his seat.

"You heard me," I spoke loudly, "Ever since we lost her, you've never been the same. Never been the same with me. I was there for you. I comforted you, and you never did the same for me. Our whole relationship is crumbling because you never opened up to me. You never let me in. You're drowning yourself in the apocalypse. You're obsessed! Addicted! It's like we're not even married!"

His face softened from my sudden outburst, "Y/n.. you don't mean that, do you?"

Once he realized I was crying, he started to comfort me. He only realized what he did wrong when I have to physically show him how upset I am. And that's not how it should be.

He tried to wipe my tears, but I moved my face away from him and wiped them myself.  Speaking in a soft tone, I looked away from him, "You never say 'I love you' to me anyway."

"What?" He said in shocked, "Of course I do. Y/n, I do."

"Oh really?"  I responded, knowing damn well he didn't remember the last time he said it, "If you really love me, choose."

"Choose?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Me or the apocalypse. Go ahead and choose. Tell me which one you love more," I said, seriously.

Unsure, he spoke, "Y/n.. I-"

"You're hesitant," I cut him off, trying to push the incoming tears in, "Holy shit."

I stepped back, but he took ahold of my hands. Now he was begging for me. "Please. I promise I'll take you on that date, okay? I just want to go back to my family, Y/n."

I rose a brow, "And I'm not?"

With a trembling voice, he raked a hand through his hair. "That's not what I meant. You know that's not what I meant. You are my family, y/n. I choose you."

"Are you sure? Because if you truly did, you would have immediately said so." I spoke, pulling him away again.


"No! Don't 'Y/n' me! I've had enough of this and unhealthy obsession of yours. I can't take it anymore," I breathed, "We should.. we should just break up."

His eyes widen, scared. Shaking his head in a panic, he said, "No, Y/n. Don't do this."

I turned around, ignoring him. 'It had to be done', I thought to myself. I took my jacket and headed to the door. Five blinked in front of me, blocking the doorway.

He had his hands on my shoulder and his face was all worried. If only he had this much sympathy for me earlier...

I ignore my body's screams to touch him and kept my emotions to myself. Shrugging his arms off of me to put on my jacket, I stared dead into his eyes and stated, "I already did."

I went out the door, thinking it was the best decision of my life. Except, it wasn't. And every night I thought about what could've happened if I didn't leave. Because that was the last time I saw him.

Completed: 6.21.24
Proofread/Published: 7.16.24
Words: 940

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