06: "Blind"

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Eyes unjust, discerning not fair,

Judgmental gazes, scorn they bear.

To know one's essence, truth unfold,

Who are you to cast the mold?

Judged for faults, unseen within,

Yet blind to flaws that lie therein.

Who are you to condemn my being?

You know not the soul you're seeing.

Eyes unjust, clouded by deceit,

Lost in words that falsehoods meet.

Whispers weave a tangled thread,

Blindness lingers, truth misled.

Let the foolish trust in lies,

Eyes wide open, yet closed to skies.

In truth's embrace, clarity finds,

In unjust eyes, darkness binds.


DESCRIPTION: Should things be judged hastily when we're not even in the situation ourselves? Where is a person's right to speak when they don't know the root of what happened? These are questions formed in the writer's mind. Judged and condemned for a mistake they didn't initiate, and made to look wrong in everyone's eyes.

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