08: "The Man"

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Staring at a picture,

Amazed by its beauty,

Like a living image,

That also gazes back at me.

Dreaming, hoping it's real.

The man in the magical picture.

Dreaming until now,

Hoping that next time, I'll see not just in the picture.

A shot in the dark,

But I'll wait for you,

Wait for you to step out of the picture

And say that you love me too.


DESCRIPTION:"Inspired by the woman who always gazes at the picture of the man she loves but it's unclear if he will ever love her back. Should she continue loving even if she's the only one who feels that way, or would it be better to just forget everything? Like what the poem says, 'waiting for you to step out of the picture and say that you love me too,' even though it's impossible, the woman behind this poem continues to hope."

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