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Word count: 3470...

Long chapters so shower the chapter with lots of comments....

"Did you understand this concept?" Tae asked as he was done explaining the concept Jungkook was given in the assignment, he looked at the boy who was staring at a space as if he was in deep thoughts.

"Kook." Tae called tapping on the shoulders of Jungkook who hummed blinking his eyes.

"Where are you lost? I explained the whole thing but seems like you didn't understood any huh?" Tae asked caressing jungkook's hairs softly who sighed.

"Hyungie." He called looking at tae with his innocent doe eyes.

"Yes baby." Tae replied in a soft tone.

"You know I watched a movie after coming back from uni. In that movie there were two best friend, you know very very very best friends." Jungkook narrated cutely, tae hummed listening to the male's talk.

"One of them loved the other one, but other never saw his love and thought of him like just his friend, one day the other one got a girlfriend and the one who loves him ended up being heart broken." Jungkook spoke with a big pout, tae hummed.

"Do you think the one who got girlfriend did wrong?" Jungkook asked tilting his head.

"No I don't think he did wrong, see his friend loved him but did he told the person he do love him?" Tae asked, Jungkook nodded his head.

"Yes he did but the male said he just take him as his friend." Jungkook spoke, tae hummed.

"Still baby, I don't think the one who don't love him did any wrong. If he didn't loved him, and was forced to do so both of them would have been hurt. It was necessary for both of them to be in relationship if only they loved each other equally. Even if the male didn't gotten a girlfriend and had always taken his friend just as his friend he would have never fallen for him." Tae explained, Jungkook stared at him and nodded slightly.

"Let's sleep hyungie." Jungkook spoke.

"What about the assignment?" Tae asked.

"I will do it tomorrow, the lecture of this subject is day after tomorrow." Jungkook spoke packing his bag not meeting the male's gaze, tae chuckled at Jungkook's words. They soon got layed on the bed cuddling together. Tae slept but Jungkook didn't his mind was just wondering if things he can do so he can make tae realise the love he had for Jungkook.


Yugyeom and eunwoo shared a look as they saw Jungkook playing with the straw that was in the banana milk bottle, it was a rear sight seeing the boy having his favourite drink right infront yet not having it.

"What happened koo? You see tensed about something?" Yugyeom asked, Jungkook sighed.

"Yugi, aunt yeri wants to marry hyungie to someone." Jungkook spoke with a pout.

"And, tell her that you want to be that someone." Yugyeom spoke, Jungkook shook his head.

"I can't do that yugi, before telling anyone about my feelings I need to know if hyungie even love me that way or not. And if he do he need to realise it too." Jungkook spoke with another sigh.

"Hmm, that's true. What if he don't love you that way, it would be very awkward if you confessed and he turned you down." Eunwoo spoke, Jungkook hummed.

"So think of a way to make him realise his love for you koo." Yugyeom spoke.

"Hmm, I am also thinking of a way to do so..." Jungkook spoke as he raised his head and looked at eunwoo. His eyes soon went wide.

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