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"hyungie hyungie hyungie." Jungkook bounced like a bunny as he entered in the Kim's mansion, he smiled widely looking at Ara and yeri along with others present there. Umm, yeah he has no idea his whole family was at Kim's cause the bunny was busy celebrating in his room.

"Ohhh hiiii." Jungkook waved at the family who all huffed looking away together.

"Tae." Yeri called, Taehyung who was in his room to get changed walked down and smiled widely seeing Jungkook.

"Yes mom." Tae spoke as he wrapped his arms around jungkook's shoulder who stood next to him.

"What yes mom? What is happening between you both huh?" Yeri asked in a stern tone, the two glanced at each other.

"What is happening?" Jungkook asked in return.

"Kook, don't be innocent you are tae are boyfriends?" Ara asked, Jungkook nodded happily.

"How can you both? We thought you would take each other as brothers." Hanuel said with a sigh of disappointment .

"No worries now think of us as lovers." Jungkook spoke with a shrug, the family gave him a done look.

"Kook we are serious." Yoongi stated.

"I am serious too, if you and noona can love the one you want I can do that too." Jungkook spoke in serious tone that made others stunned, this bunny barely be serious.

"Koo, let me talk." Tae spoke caressing jungkook's shoulder softly who hummed and folded his arms over his chest.

"So yes, it's true we both are boyfriends and love each other. We never had taken each other as brother and never will take or thing that way either. If you have any problem with our relationship tell us, we will leave the house and live in an apartment." Tae spoke, Jungkook nodded as he gave tae a proud look.

"Good boy." Jungkook spoke as he patted tae's shoulder who gave the male a done look, Jungkook bit his lips to not laugh at the expression of his boyfriend.

"God this boy had gone nuts." Yoongi spoke shaking his head at tae's words.

"You can't blame him oppa, he is dating kook and is truly turning like him over dramatic." Lisa spoke, Jungkook glared at the girl who tugged her tongue out.

"Tae my son, we were just pranking you both. But I am proud of you that you love him truly and is ready to leave everything to be with my son in law." Yeri spoke as she opened her arms, Jungkook ran and hugged the woman who laughed at the pink cheeks of younger.

"Am I your son in law?" Jungkook asked in a tiny tone, yeri nodded her head.

"Then I will call you mom." Jungkook spoke happily, yeri giggled agreeing.

"Come here, you are my son in law." Ara spoke opening her arms for tae who smiled and hugged her. Both the families had their meal together as it was already evening, later as usual the jeon's except Jungkook went to their house and Jungkook tagged along with tae to his room to cuddle.

"Hyungieeee." Jungkook called as he has his head placed on tae's chest who had his arms wrapped around jungkook's waist as usual.

"Yes baby." Tae replied looking down as he felt the boy looking at him.

"I love you." Jungkook spoke with a wide bunny smile.

"I love you more." Tae spoke as he pecked jungkook's forehead who giggled before snugging more to tae. The two slept peacefully in each other's arms.


Next day.

Jungkook had his first class late today but tae had an early morning meeting, so pecking the boy's head tae had to leave his boyfriend on the bed sleeping cuddling a pillow.

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