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I woke up and I rubbed my red eyes with my palm.I hadn't slept for more than three or four hours as I had been crying again,for the rest of the night.

I left my bed after a while and I went downstairs.I went towards kitchen where my mum was.I used to live with her before Zayn and I rented our department but now I really need her by my side.

«Goodmorning,honey.»  My mum greeted me.

«Hello,mum.» I tried to smile to her before I sat on the chair.

«Did you sleep,well?» She asked me while she was making pancakes.

«Yes,mum.Thanks for asking.» I lied.

«Glad to hear that,honey.» She smiled.

«Mum,don't make many of them.I'm not too hungry.» I informed her.

«You should eat something,or else you'll pass out.» Commented thoughtfully.

She came next to me,touched my hair gently and left a dish with some pancakes on the table.

«Just eat only one,okay?» She kissed my forehead.

«Okay,mum.» I nodded and I started eating.

When I finished my breakfast I went upstairs again.I thought that if I tidied my room maybe it would keep my mind busy and maybe all the thoughts would slip my mind.I hoped it would truly work but after I had started tidying up I heard some kind of strange voices from the garden.

I approached my window and stared at my mum who was talking with a police officer.She looked very sad and suddenly my heart started beating fast.When he left I run downstairs and went outside.

«Mum!» I said. «You have news from Zayn?What did he say to you?» I asked quickly.

«N-No,honey.Go inside,please.» I noticed some tears in her eyes.

«Mum...What has happened?» I went backwards.

«Lindsay..Zayn might have been murdered.» She replied.

«No!No!This is impossible!» I screamed and I brusted into tears once more.

See You Again [Zayn Malik]Where stories live. Discover now