Chapter 2: An Awoken Star With Her Knight

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Artist: genniax

As we climb past Earth's clouds, I shiver slightly. Without the Sun's charge in my skin, the temperature seems to have a slight effect on me. As we break through the atmosphere, the infamous Watchtower is visible.

It looks like a dart, I think to myself after getting a good look at it.

It looks like a dart, I think to myself after getting a good look at it

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As we approach the side of it, a door opens up. He quickly flies us inside and presses a button which seemed to have the door behind us close. The room quickly fills with pressure and the wall opposite of the first door opens. He steps inside and beckons me to follow. I obey and we begin to walk through the facility. A lot of various rooms, some plain with simple couches, desks, chairs, while others are extremely high tech, with robots, heavy machinery, and holographic screens.

We stop at a door that soon opens, revealing a medical bay. It smells just like a hospital and fit with three beds, plenty of screens, medicine cabinets, and plenty of small tables to put things on. I quickly lay Princess Koriand'r in one of the beds as Superman begins pressing buttons on the holographic screen. The screen proceeds to beep a few times before Koriand'r's vitals appear.

She looks stable at least, I thought, looking at her with a bit more ease.

The door behind us opens and two people step in. The first one I instantly recognize as Wonder Woman. Her looks, tightly fit armor, and lasso makes her incredibly easy to spot. The other one, again not so hard, Batman. His whole- thing makes him a beacon in bright areas. "Whose this?" Batman asks coldly, seeming to be scanning me before also seeming to scan Koriand'r. I take a more defensive stance, which again, he seems to take note of. "I am- Unsure. What are your names?" Superman asks, turning toward me. "She is Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran. I am Xari of Tamaran." I state simply. He nods, seeming to process the information given. "What are you doing on Earth?" Batman asks, trying to walk by me toward Koriand'r. I step in front of him. I've heard rumors of the Batman, so no matter whose side he's on, I don't trust him around Koriand'r. "I am a refugee." I said, looking in his eyes. "A refugee? What happened to your planet?" Superman asks, now concerned. "My planet was invaded by a hostile force. I, thanks to a weird order from Princess Komand'r, was able to be off planet by the time it occurred. After some time, I found Earth and decided to live here." I explained. "And your friend?" Wonder Woman asked, motioning toward Koriand'r.

"I- Am unsure. I haven't seen her since I went off world and the invasion begun." I explain, looking toward Koriand'r, my worry slowly returning. "Whatever the case, you are welcome to stay here until we can get her stable and sorted out." Superman says. Batman looks toward him ready to protest, but Wonder Woman gives a look and Batman sighs. Must've lost the argument, I thought to myself. "We'll leave the two of you alone. Expect us to check in every so often." Wonder Woman says. I nod, understanding they probably need to keep their headquarters secure. The three leave, but not before Batman takes one more look at me and Koriand'r.

I have a feeling him and me are not gonna get along, I think to myself as I sit on the bed beside the Princess.

9 Hours Later...

I awaken to what feels like my hair being brushed. I quickly try to scramble to get up, but a strong arm holds me against the person. My eyes snap open and I realize my face is in the person's breasts. I look up and am face to face with Koriand'r. She has a small smile on her face as she looks at me. A odd look in her eyes as well. "Princess?" I ask, my voice quiet. She tilts her head softly and I realize I'm speaking English. "Princess?" I ask, now in Tamaranean. Her eyes seem to spark as she understands me. "Yes, my Knight?" She asks. My mind took a second before it clicked. It has been so long I nearly forgot my duty back on Tamaran. "Are you okay?" I ask. She nods softly. "What was you saying earlier?" She asks. I feel her pull me closer, which I thought was impossible. She was always touchy, but never this touchy. "I was simply asking Princess in English." I explain. She tilts her head again. "English?" She asks. "It is the language the planet you landed on uses." I state. She gives a nod, thinking. "What is it Princess?" I ask. She locks eyes with me. "I need to learn this English." She states simply, before leaning down and kissing me.

I feel my heart spark as I try to pull away for a moment, but the second she shows she'll hold me there, I refrain. When the kiss went on for a bit longer than it needed to, she seperated.

"How do I sound?" She asks, in English. I fight down my nervousness as I attempt to speak. "Perfect, Princess." I state. She smiles and slowly sits up. "Well, my Knight- Tell me. Where did I end up?" She asks.

I then begin to explain everything I could about Earth...

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