Chapter 3: Something's Off

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Artist: genniax

After I explained all I could, Princess Koriand'r gave me a small smile. "So- This world is currently still in a state of nations?" She asks. I nod. She seems to be in thought before locking eyes with me. "And how have you been, my Knight?" She asks, placing her hand on top of mine. I feel my face heat a bit. "I have been fine, my Princess." I say quietly. Her hand caresses mine for a bit. This reminds me of how her and Princess Komand'r would fight over me. I think back on it for a moment.

It is a quiet night as I sit on the guardrail, eating the dinner prepared for me. I hear a door open and turn, seeing the two Princesses. They both notice me and quickly shuffle. As they both get on opposite sides of me, I can see in the corner of my eyes them glaring at one another. Each place a hand on my arms on their respective sides. They continuously ask me questions about my day and other various topics.

I remember wishing they never confessed or vowed to win me. Now- I just wish I was there to protect them the day the Citadel overtook Tamaran. My thoughts are cut short as I feel a hand cup my cheek. I look into Koriand'r's eyes and see concern. "Are you sure you are fine, my Xari?" She asks. My cheeks flush a crimson red. "I-I promise, I am fine." I state with a stutter. She smiles softly, caressing my cheek with her thumb. I hear the door open and jump, falling onto the floor. Koriand'r gives me a worried look as the person walks in. I turn and see it is Wonder Woman. "Am I interrupting something?" She asks. I shake my head. "Good. I see the patient is awake. I shall go and fetch the others." She says simply, walking back out. The Princess hovers over me and is eyeing me. "Why are you wearing these?" She asks. She seems- Disgusted by the attire. I never seen her make that face before.

"I-It's what the humans wear, my Princess." I say quietly. She seems to be thinking to herself. "At your earliest convenience, I want them removed and something more fit of a Tamaranean, my Knight." She says. "But Princess-" I begin, but I am cut off by a look I never seen Princess Koriand'r make before- A look of pure anger. "That is an order." She says, making eye contact with me. Another thing she never did- Not give me a choice. It's scaring me a bit. I gulp, trying to keep my composure. "A-As you wish, my Princess." I say quietly. The dark look almost instantly is replaced by her usual gentle smile. "Thank you." She says simply, reaching for my hand. I take hers and she pulls me up. When I don't levitate with her, she frowns. "Why are you not flying with me?" She asks. "I- Can't. I haven't had enough Sun." I answer. The dark look flashes in her eyes for a moment. "I see..." She says as the door opens to reveal Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman.

"It is great to see you're awake." Superman says with a smile. Princess Koriand'r returns it with her own. "Great to be alive!" She says, getting a chuckle from Superman. "I am Superman. My colleagues are Batman and Wonder Woman." He states, gesturing to the two behind them. "Greetings!" Princess Koriand'r chirps. "Can you tell us what caused you to crash land in a park?" Batman asks, stepping by Superman with a suspicious expression on his face. "I- Don't fully know. I was escaping my captors and the next thing I know, I'm here. I remember someone's voice, but it's way too distant for me to properly recall." She says, seeming to try to remember before ultimately giving up. "I see... Well, can you at least tell us how you know Xari here." Superman says, motioning to me. "They are my Vornock." She states. I feel my face blush. It means, "soon to be lover."

"P-Princess, I am-" I started to protest, but she gave me that dark look she gave me earlier. The authority from it made me shiver and go quiet. She gives what seems to be a satisfied smile and turns back to look at the heroes. I notice Wonder Woman give a small look of concern toward my sudden behavior change, makes eye contact with Batman, and focuses back on Koriand'r. "Vornock?" Wonder Woman questions. "It is the equivalent of fiance in English." Koriand'r states. "And how do you know English?" Batman asks. "My people can gain language knowledge through physical contact, quickest through kiss. I kissed Xari, my Knight, hence being able speak your language." Koriand'r explains. Batman seems unsatisfied but nods anyway. "Xari is your knight?" Wonder Woman asks. "Yes. Knights on our planet is different from yours. Knights on our planet are simply servants. We was short staffed, so she became both mine and my sisters. Although- Now I guess she is only mine now." She says, giving me a smile. Something about the smile set me off, but I simply bow my head.

"I see... Shall we talk more in the cafeteria? I'm sure you are starving." Superman says, chuckling. Koriand'r nods and grabs my hand. She lowers herself to walk alongside me. Batman and Wonder Woman wait until we leave to follow. As we do, I make eye contact with Wonder Woman. I see the concern but despite all the warning signs going off in my head, I shake it off.

She is my Princess. I must not question her.

It must just be Earth that worn down my sense of loyalty.

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