Chapter 8: The Calm Before The Storm

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Artist: genniax

Rare Author Note: I write these similar to web comics, so chapters will not always be in chronological order (it is also why they are short - just like web comics). I will always note at the top what Chapters it is before/in between. If it isn't marked, it is, "present day."

Prequel To Chapter 1

I stand at attention as Princess Komand'r talks to the High Command, adjusting security, noting current defenses, and the usual military checkup. "I am ordering we reroute this group over to Quadrant Z53." She states again, squinting at the commanders. The commanders mutter, seeming very upset. "Princess Komand'r, if we move them from their current Quadrant, we leave a  gigantic opening in our defenses. All it takes is one take of bad luck and we could be completely bypassed, leaving our smaller ground forces vulnerable!" One exclaims. She eyes him and he slowly sits down, intimidated. "I understand your concerns, but if intel is correct, we could potentially have a strike group from the Citadel attempt to breach through, causing anarchy to the towns below." She argues back. The commanders mutter more. I look around at the council chamber. Aside from the holograms showing data, it is pretty bland, with seats surrounding a long oval table.

After a few more remarks, I am motioned to follow as Princess Komand'r walks out. I follow eyeing our surroundings for any worrisome behavior. The bright orange and purple sky compliments the clouds above, making them radiate the hue like miniature moons. The Princess looks toward me and smiles, wrapping an arm around my back and hanging onto my opposite hip. I feel my face heat up slightly at the contact. She chuckles. "Tell me, Xari. Have you enjoyed working under me and," she grimaces for a moment, "my sister?" I look at her for a moment. "Of course, Princess." I say obediently. She rolls her eyes and presses me against the wall gently. "I want a non-automated response, Knight." She says softly. Despite the gentle demeanor, I could feel the venom in her words. I gulp quietly. "I am being honest, Princess. I do enjoy working for you both." I say with a shakier tone. She takes a moment before continuing to walk. As I follow, she turns opposite of the palace, towards the launch pads.

"I need you to do a mission for me, Knight." She says simply, turning to face me. Her dark purple eyes lock with mine, the blackness reminding me of space. "I want you to go to the furthest moon of Orani and find me the best crystal you can." She states simply. "They are known to sell them extremely expensive, Princess. Surely-" She holds her hand up and I go silent instantly. She gives a approving smile before returning to her cold expression. "I want one from Orani. The biggest and shiniest they have." She says. I nod softly as a shuttle lands, it's sleek black exterior nearly impossible to see due to the shade.

 I nod softly as a shuttle lands, it's sleek black exterior nearly impossible to see due to the shade

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"Your personal vehicle, Princess?" I ask questioningly. "I simply want you to be in the most trusted vehicle I can put you in." She states as the door opens. She turns to me and puts a trinket in my hand. It is in the shape of a star, the purple gem glowing brightly. In the center, a darker stone, showing a eclipse. "Keep this with you, Knight." She orders. I nod, confused. I begin to stick it in my pocket but she grabbed my hand. "Turn around." She says coldly. I obey and feel a string go around my neck. I look down and see she has me wearing the trinket like a necklace. "I wish you luck, my Knight." She says a bit quieter. Before walking away, she pulls me close and against the car, kissing me gently. My heart accelerates as her tongue licks my lips. When we separate, she smiles at me and walks away, leaving me blushing and confused.

If only I knew that would be the last time I seen her...

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