chapter 22

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Authors pov

Suraj sat frozen, Nandini's words echoing in his mind. He had come to this meeting with hopes of reconciliation, but her request for a divorce was like a dagger to his heart. He swallowed hard, trying to compose himself.

"Nandini," he said softly, "I didn't expect this. I came here hoping we could find a way to be a family again."

Nandini sighed, her eyes reflecting a deep weariness. " I've spent years raising our daughter alone. I’ve built a life for us, and I can't just erase the pain and struggle we went through." She said with a loveless voice.

Suraj felt the weight of her words. He had been absent, and now he was paying the price for his choices. "I understand, Nandini. I really do. But can't we try to start over? For our daughter's sake?"

Nandini shook her head slowly. "I need stability and certainty. I need to be free from the constant fear of being abandoned again. My daughter needs a father who is present, but she also needs a mother who is not constantly battling old wounds."

Suraj took a deep breath, his mind racing for a way to salvage the situation. "Nandini, I know I've caused you so much pain. But please, don't end this now. Give me a chance to prove myself, not just as a father, but as a husband too. I want to earn back your trust, to be the partner you deserve."

Nandini looked at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and hesitation. "It's not that simple. Trust is not something that can be repaired overnight. How can I believe that things will be different this time?"

Suraj leaned forward, his voice filled with earnestness. "I will do whatever it takes, Nandini. Therapy, counseling, anything. I want to rebuild what we had. I want to be there for our daughter and for you. I am committed to making this work."

Nandini didn't want him back in her life but she is helpless because she knows that her daughter needs father. She knows how her daughter always ask about her father. She look at him and said " oh today you want to become her father. Where were you Mr.rajvanshi when she wants you. She wants you to drop her to school like other parents. Where were you when she wants you to play with her, to feed her. Where were you when she wants you to take care of her when she was in hospital. No you are not there. I am only one with her.  Now please stay away from my daughter and me. Send me the divorce papers as soom as possible ".

She said and about to stand up from the chair when suraj cal her" mrs Rajvanshi  okay if you want divorce then okay I will" hearing this Nandini felt something broken in her chest " but you know court will give custody to a person which can bring her well. If you want divorce then suhani will stay with me. I hope you know all the formalities of the court".

Suraj nodded, a mixture of relief and sadness washing over him. He noticed Nandini didn't cal him by his name. Nandini remained frozen by his words he wants to take his daughter from her. On the other side Suraj knows that Nandini will not listen her so  he talk to her about court formalities. He knows her well. He know that she will never give up on her daughter. And this is the only way they can stay in this marriage. He can gain her trust. And also found a real culprit. He knows Nandini very well she can do anything for her daughter. She can ready to stay with him for her.

They sat in silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. The café buzzed with the sounds of other patrons, but for Suraj and Nandini, the world felt smaller, more intimate.

After a while, Nandini spoke again. "We can start with small steps. You can visit her, spend time with her, and gradually become a part of her life. But no promises, Suraj. You have to prove your commitment."

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