Sylvie Troubles

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And not a second later, Claudia passed out. When she awoke, she was in the bed in the room Rosalyn bought. She looked around, though she couldn't really see much due to the fact she was seeing double. And her head still fucking hurt.

She slowly sat up and she saw a glass of water on the nightstand next to her. She instantly began chugging the water, not leaving a single drop. She rested for a few more minutes, feeling a little better.

When she opened her eyes again she looked around for Rosalyn, but she was nowhere to be found. Claudia got up from the bed and checked the bathroom, the door was open and Rosalyn wasn't in there.

Then Claudia decided to broaden her search area and opened the door that lead into the main area of the tavern. She walked, or more like stumbled, into the bar area.

The bartender flashed her a knowing smile and Claudia looked around the room for Rosalyn. The bartender knew who she was looking for and pointed to a table in the corner.

Claudia looked at said table and saw both Rosalyn and the child from the alleyway sitting together. Claudia went over and the child noticed her, she didn't look scared but she was definitely uncertain.

Claudia sat in the chair next to Rosalyn and Rosalyn greeted her.

"Ah, hello dear. How are you feeling?" She asked.

Claudia grumbled and mumbled incoherently and Rosalyn laughed.

"Not good then?"

Claudia glared at her.

"I'm sorry love, I cast a spell on the water I gave you. It should make you feel better soon."

"Anyways, this is Sylvie. She doesn't talk much, I have no idea where she came from or if she has anywhere to go, but I have a feeling she'll be staying with us for a while" Rosalyn said.

Claudia smiled at Sylvie, now that she wasn't in the dark she could get a good look at her. She looked to be about eight years old and she had blonde hair and grayish blue eyes.

"Hello" Claudia said in a gentle voice, the child was already unsure about her and she didn't want to frighten her.

Sylvie didn't say anything back, her eyes immediately looked to the floor and she twiddled (I love the word twiddled, it's so whimsical) with her fingers.

"I told you" Rosalyn said, smiling at Claudia.

Claudia wasn't offended, she used to be like that with Rosalyn too before she got comfortable.

"Well, we left some of our belongings at Jaspers house, so I thought we would collect them today" Rosalyn said to Claudia.

Claudia nodded and her eyes flicked to the child. "What will happen to her?" She asked.

"I suppose it's her choice, she can leave now or she can come with us if she wishes" Rosalyn replied.

Sylvie looked up at them and then back to the floor, she seemed intrigued by Rosalyn's offer.

Rosalyn stood up from the table and Claudia followed. Her head felt a lot better now, Rosalyn's spells always worked fast. The child stood up in a hurry, coming to stand next to Rosalyn.

The three made their way to the door and Sylvie was practically glued to Rosalyn's leg, almost like she was afraid she would leave her behind if she wasn't next to her.

They exited the tavern and walked down the familiar road back to Jaspers house. Claudia wasn't sure what time it was, but it was bright out. So probably either midday or the afternoon.

It took about fifteen minutes to reach Jaspers house and Rosalyn turned to face Claudia.

"Would you stay here with Sylvie? I'd rather not bring her in unless I have to" Rosalyn asked.

That was no problem for Claudia, so she nodded and Rosalyn smiled before bending down to the child's level.

"Stay here with Claudia okay? I promise she's really nice" she said in a slightly higher pitch.

Sylvie had a worried look on her face but she did as she was asked and stood next to Claudia as Rosalyn entered the house. And thus began an extremely awkward silence.

The two stood on Jaspers porch and Claudia rocked back and forth on her heels.

"So uh.. where's your mother?" Claudia asked.

"Dead" was all the child said.

Claudia stopped all movement and her eyes widened. That escalated fast. Guess she wouldn't be asking anymore questions.

But that one word gave Claudia a guess on why Sylvie was in the alleyway. Chances are she didn't have anywhere else to go. Claudia could relate to that in a way, although her situation was most certainly different than Sylvie's.

After what felt like a million years Rosalyn exited Jaspers house with the bag Claudia had packed in hand.

"Sorry I took so long, Jasper started talking and I didn't have much of a choice but to listen" she explained.

Claudia reassured her that it was fine and the three began walking again with no destination in mind. Rosalyn kept glancing at Sylvie, clearly wondering what to do with her.

"Sylvie.. I know you don't want to talk but I really need to know where I should take you" Rosalyn gently said.

The child's face soured at that, but she still answered. "Take me with you."

Rosalyn looked at Claudia, but Claudia was already looking at her. Claudia certainly wasn't against taking the child with them, but that thought warranted a conversation. Bringing a child home with them wasn't a decision that could be made on a whim.

The three ate lunch at a random restaurant they found and Sylvie scarfed down her food like she hadn't eaten in days. It was possible she hadn't.

The more time she spent with her the more attached Claudia got. Sylvie was a very quiet, skeptical child but that was exactly why Claudia felt she could relate to her.

After lunch they went back to the tavern and into their room, the child had no problem following them. Upon entering Sylvie instantly went over to the bed. She looked back at Rosalyn for approval and Rosalyn told her she was welcome to take a nap if she wanted.

The child did just that, she bundled herself in the blankets and passed out almost immediately. Poor thing probably hadn't slept in a bed in who knows how long.

Once she was asleep Rosalyn led Claudia to a corner out of Sylvie's earshot.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked.

Claudia smiled, "that we should keep her?"

Rosalyn smiled too, "Yes."

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