Woah , uh , hi?

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Uh , hello there ?
I got a notification from this thing today and I was like
Really confused
It seems I may have... Forgotten that this existed?

I am in utter awe of the fact that people are reading this thing till today if I'm being honest.

It's been about 3? Almost 4? Years since the last update?
That's kind of insane
Its been so long since I've visited the idea of writing
Blows my mind tbh

I just found it super crazy that people still read this
I wrote this as a literal kid
It makes me cringe so hard now omd

In case anyone was wondering
No this will not be getting any updates because , well , I've moved well past this
Still love KOTLC tho dw
Keefe was my very first love

But yeah
Hope whoever is still reading this enjoyed it and uh
Thanks ig😭

Sorry to dissapoint 😐

If anyone who used to read this back when I first published it happens to drop in
How's being 4 years older treating u guys

On that note
Enjoy life guys 🏃

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