/• Prologue •\

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-Y/N's POV-

It was the last day before school started. How come vacations last like 5 seconds??? I didn't get to hang out with my only best friends!!

I sighed, as I sat up on my bed and took my phone that was on my bedside table. I looked at the time and--

“--HOLY SHIT” it was 2pm. Yeah, I went to sleep at like... 4am? Something like that. Now even my memory was getting bad, good job! I jumped out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to get ready for this boring ass day! After a couple of minutes, I finally got out. I showered, dressed up, brushed my teeth, etc... Today I didn't have anything to do in particular, just to maybe wonder how tomorrow at school will be like. I mean, I'm going in 11th grade! Will I meet a cute boy or girl that I will fall in love with and spend my life together with them??? So much to wonder! But, I also have to get prepared for sleepless nights and stress and... Bullying. I wonder if I was gonna be in the same class as the other past years. It was an absolute hell. Those bitches would always make fun of me. I told the teachers, I told my elders! They still didn't do shit, and I'm pissed about it. Like, hello??? I'm getting hurt physically and mentally! That's what you teachers have to care about and also what you told us, students, to do! Yes, I knew how to stand up for myself, but still, they were in 2 and I was only one! Well, I'm good at verbal fights, not physical. I heard that words hurt more than actions. Why isn't working then? Why do I have to embarrass myself in front of the whole class?

I groaned as I started overthinking again. I went to the kitchen to see if there was something to eat. Surprisingly I saw on the table a plate of waffles and a note. I took it and it read:

Hi sweetie. Sorry I'm not here but I had an emergency at work. I made you some waffles, your favorite? I hope you enjoy them.

With love, mum.

I smiled as I sat down and started eating my waffles and damn they were delicious! While eating, I scrolled through YouTube shorts, I swear, they were like drugs, you couldn't get off of 'em! Then, I received a text from my bff. 



U wanna hang out


               Sure. What time?


Is 4pm okay?
Also, I'll pick u up
Dw :3


                Ya, sounds good.
                I'll see u then <3


Buh bye!!! :D


I smiled as I read her texts. She always, and never failed, made me happy. After I finished breakfast, it was 3pm, so I got my lazy ass up and went to my bedroom, to pick an outfit. I opened my wardrobe and looked through it.

“hmmm.. Yea, this one will do!” I grinned and took an oversized T-Shirt with baggy jeans. I changed and looked myself in the mirror.

Damm I look HOT!

I smirked at my own thought even though not even two seconds later I looked like a monster. I sighed and adjusted my hair.

Maybe my hair is the problem?

Nope, I still looked ugly as fu-

“Whatever, who cares” I sighed and waited for my dear bff to pick me up. In the meanwhile, I wrote a post-it for my mum, since she was gonna be back when I was still out with my bff. As soon as I finished writing the note for my mum, I heard knocking. I placed the note on the kitchen counter and went up to the door and opened it. Behold and behold..!

“Heya Y/N!! How are ya?” ...it was my dear bff. I grinned widely and immediately pulled her in a hug.

“I'm all good!! Just the same shit repeating itself every single fucking day!” Max looked at me with a concerned look.

“You wanna talk about it?-”

“Absolutely not. That's for only me and myself” I spoke, as I put on my sneakers and grabbed my phone and keys. I went out and locked the door.

“Alright, let's go!” I spoke in a cheerful tone as Max sighed. Meanwhile we were walking to the park, Max started to talk about tomorrow.

“So... Do you think you will change class?” she spoke in a more concerned tone

“I don't think so. If they don't anything still, I'm going up to the president and complain like a fucking Karen” my eye twitched slightly. Max just chuckled silently.

“You better do mate” I giggled this time.

“Do you think you will meet your one and true love in these following years?” She teased and raised an eyebrow as she smirked.

“Oh my gosh, stop it dude!!” I slightly shouted as Max laughed.
As we talked and walked, we eventually arrived at the park. We played, talked more, simped over random boys and girls that walked by and more. It was soon about to set the sun, so Max walked me home and we exchanged our goodbyes, as I went home. The door was unlocked, so mum was here.

“Hey mum, I'm home” I slightly shouted, as I closed the door behind me and removed my shoes.

“Hi honey! Were you with Max?” My mum asked and I nodded, even though she couldn't see

“Yea, I was” I responded

“Did you eat outside?”

“yes I did, don't worry mum” I smiled, as I went up in my room and threw myself right on my bed and groaned. I was already tired and it was still 8pm. What to do? Play games of course! What did I play? Not telling you, hah (Cult of the Lamb). After a while, my mum called me for dinner and I was starving again! Maybe because I was skipping meals? Probably. Done with dinner, I turned off everything and went in the bathroom. I washed my face and changed in something more comfortable and light. I went in my room and layed down on my bed.

Can't wait for tomorrow...

I sighed and, eventually, I fell asleep.


Hello everyone that is reading, hope you enjoyed the prologue! I'll probably publish the first chapter tomorrow but, right now? I need sleep. It's literally 2:30am as I write TwT.
That's all folks, take care of yourselves!!!

Word count: 1092


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