/• Chapter 2 •\

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-Y/N's POV-

Damn, I already have some friends, huh?

I thought, as I sat at one of the many tables in the cafeteria. I was currently waiting for Edgar (aka: emo boy), Fang (aka: the hot dude) and Chester (aka: class clown). They seemed like a nice trio: they always got along and teased eachother. And yet? Their friendship was still alive, they were just being themselves. I smiled slightly and then I felt some voices and looked where they were coming from. Look who it was!

"Heya Y/N, sorry if we took too long" Chester said, as he sat besides me and in front of us sat Edgar and Fang, who just seemed to be in a deep conversation.

"Yeah, don't mind them. They're in a really heated argument, totally" Chester spoke up again, as I shifted my gaze towards him.

"Hm, okay"

"So, new friend, what are your hobbies????" He asked me curiously and I chuckled.

"Well, I like to draw-"

"YOU DRAW?!! THAT'S SO COOL!!" Chester shouted, which got Edgar and Fang's attention.



"Theycandraw!! Canyoudrawusplsplsplspls???" Chester grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"Ches, calm down" Edgar spoke up and Chester let me go. I sighed in relief, I mean, his touch was... Something. He was definitely strong. Chester chuckled.

"Whoops, sorry" he scratched his neck

"It's all good, no worries" I answered and gave him a soft smile. So, we talked for a bit and we got to know eachother. It looked like Edgar was a fan of Draco and the Bad Randoms, which Chester wanted to say something but didn't. Strange... He also said he likes doing Parkour.
Fang really likes kung-fu and already works at the cinema with a certain Buster and Maisie. Never heard of them!
Meanwhile, Chester helped her big sister, Mandy, with her candy shop, which wasn't really far away from where I lived. He also added that he knows how to juggle and many tricks, which was the one that impressed me the most.
Then, of course, we ate and talked.

"Hey, me and my friends are going out tonight to an arcade. Ya wanna come?" Chester asked me and I looked back at him. I thought about it for a moment.

What? Why would he invite me to go out with him and his friends already? Didn't we just meet?

Nono, don't overthink it. Maybe it's normal but not for you, you sad little bit-

Yeah, I better stop my overthinking. I nodded and a little smile appeared on my face

"Yeah, sure!" I agreed and Chester smiled happily. Suddenly, he wrapped his arm around me.

"Can't wait for you to meet all of my friends!" he spoke proudly.

"I ship it" Fang spoke up. We both looked at Edgar and Fang with concerned looks.

"Are you guys okay?" Chester spoke quietly and removed his arm from my shoulder

"Should we call the police...?" I murmured and Chester laughed out loud. That made me chuckle

Damn, his laughter is contagious.

Anyway, I still found Fang hot, not Chester. Sorry not sorry!

Fang and Edgar looked at eachother and then back at us. Their looks literally said 'what the fuck'. Chester looked at them.

"A-Alright, I ship you both then!" He laughed again as I did too, but not as loudly. Fang and Edgar looked us, disgusted.

"C'mon, let's get back to class, lunch is almost over" Edgar spoke, as he got up. Fang followed him and the only ones that remained seated were me and Chester. He looked at me with a smirk.

"Wanna cause some chaos?"


Yeah, so, sorry for the short chapter and also that I didn't update for a bit, my phone is hella slow and tomorrow i'm changing it. Also, 80+ readers?? That's new. Thanking the few that voted some of my other chapters and, with that, I think I will end this note here. Next chapter will be probably next week so... See you then!

Word count: 677

remember to take care of yourselves!! <3)


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