/• Chapter 3 •\

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-Y/N's POV-

Chester literally dragged me across the school halls and to his locker. We finally stopped and he pulled out something out of it.

“Do you know what this is?” He chuckled and handed me a paper that was strangely folded. I took it and looked at it.

“Uh... No.?” I shifted my gaze up at him and he smirked

“Simple! Basically, if you just do this-” He then proceeded to swung it and it made a loud boom.

“wHAT THE FUCK” I dropped mine on the floor and he laughed out loud. We were so gonna get scolded for this. Then, we went back to class and we were a bit late, just a bit dw.

-Timeskip • At home-

I threw myself on the bed and exhaled, as I picked up my phone and checked any notification

Eh? I was added in a group??

I opened the chatting app I always used and checked who tf added me to a group.


Cool group idfk 🤡

--Max💝🌺 added you


Heyyy Y/N!!

Chester (he cute idk)

aLRIGHT. today we're going out at 5pm. We meet at the arcade!!! Don't forget‼️


Oh, right.

I sighed and looked at the time.

4:30, guess I better get ready

I got my lazy ass up and picked out something from my wardrobe. Something simple. Just a white T-shirt and ripped jeans with gloves!!
I looked at myself in the mirror and smirked.

This shall do!

I chuckled at my own thought and, in the meanwhile, I got a little snack from the kitchen, as I waited for the time to pass by. My mum wasn't at home, like always. After a few minutes, I looked at the time again.

4:50, okok, I'll get going

I put my phone in my pocket and grab my keys. I head out and lock the door, as I put my keys in my pocket and started walking to the arcade. It was a simple 5 minute walk.

Longest 5 fucking minutes of my lifeee

I thought as I arrived and sat on a bench.

“Hey Y/N-”

“HOLY SHI-” I immediately turn to my side and see Fang and Edgar talking. I sighed softly.


"you also scared the living shit out of me" Edgar spoke in a serious tone, couldn't tell if he was being really serious or just sarcastic, eh, who cares.

“Where are the others?” I asked, as I scooted just a bit closer to Fang and smiled slightly.

“They're on their way, I think-”

“Heya guys!!” Chester chirped, as he walked towards us.

“Max texted me. It says she isn't coming because she's gotta do something with her sister, idk” he rolled his eyes playfully and stopped in front of me.

“so, it's just us four?” I asked and Chester nodded

“Just us!” Chester grabbed my arm and pulled me up, so I could stand.

“Okay then, let's go!” Fang spoke in a cheery tone, as we began walking towards the entrance of the arcade. Inside, it was just a splash on neon colors, which hurt my eyes.

Why are ALL arcades like this???

I huffed, as I followed Fang and the others. Then, we decided to split up and I went with Edgar, since some friendship with the emo kid wouldn't hurt, right?

“What game are we playing?” Edgar asked me, as he looked at me sternly

Didn't this man just say that he loved my style--- y'know what? Whatever.

“How about that one over there?” I pointed at a claw machine. We walked there and saw the plushies.

“That one's cool” He pointed to a black cat, which was kind of big.

“Ooh! I want those two!!” I exclaimed, as I pointed to a cute koala and a white cat.

“don't worry, I'll get those two for you” Edgar spoke up, as he pushed me aside gently and inserted a coin in the machine. Believe it or not, he got both of them on the first ass try.

“Holy fucking shit dude, how.” I spoke in a shocked tone, as he handed me the plushies.

“a magician never reveals his secrets” He smiled softly under his scarf but I managed to see it, which made me smile.

“Alright then! I'll get you that black kitty then!!” I rushed to the machine and inserted a coin, as I put the plushies on the ground for a moment. The first time, I didn't get it, so I put in another coin. Second time? Didn't get it. We put another coin. Third time's the charm, right? Absolutely fucking not. My eye twitched and Edgar snorted.

“shush, I'm gonna get it this time” I put another coin and I managed to catch it and actually win it. I picked it up and smiled widely, as I handed it to Edgar.

“see? It wasn't so hard!” I spoke proudly as I picked up my plushies that he got me.

“uh huh, yeah. It only took you 4 times to get a single plush” He said, as he turned around and started walking somewhere.

“wait up!!” I ran to catch up to him. We played some other games, which gave us tickets, and with the tickets we got....

Lego. Yes. Lego. None of us complained cause Lego is the best thing ever. After a while, we re-encountered Fang and Chester. Chester had a small dog plush meanwhile Fang had nothing.

“soooo... How'd it go?” I spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

“I only won this” Chester showed his plush.

“I didn't win shit...” Fang huffed and I thought about something.

Maybe... Maybe I could give him this?

After a bit of hesitation, I gave him my koala plushie.

“Here..” I smiled softly as my cheeks were slightly tinted pink. He looked at the plush and chuckled, as he took it.

“Thanks, Y/N. You're the best” He, again, chuckled softly and hugged it. Chester awwed.

“You lovebirds, you can do this in private!” Firstly, he said it in a cheery tone then he quickly switched to shouting, not really loudly though. Fang punched Chester's shoulder lightly while we all laughed and giggled.

You could say this day was a success.


Word count: 1049


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