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This one yet again is not a lighter story this is angst.
Please don't read if you are sensitive to any of these topics <3
I was too distracted as I just realized that I got a text, I slowly got up to get my phone, I was still weak. It was Marjorie 'I'm coming over Reece. Carly was worried about you,' the text read. My heart dropped as I looked at the message. I was a mess. I couldn't let her find out. I don't want to worry anyone. Oh god. I pulled my sleeves down hiding my scars and took any evidence that I felt like complete shit away.

I heard a knock on the door, I knew it was Marjorie so I opened it and she immediately hugged me. I'm usually not that fond of hugs but I always let Marjorie hug me. "Why was Carly worried about me?" I say acting oblivious. She pulled away from me and said "apparently you were harsh to her and told her to leave earlier." I felt really bad. I started panicking, what if I made Carly sad. Marjorie pulled me into another hug and said "it's alright darling, she's not sad," it was like she read my mind, that made me feel better.

It had now been a few hours, Marjorie luckily hadn't even thought about how I felt. I didn't want her to question me. "It's getting warm are you sure you don't want to change into a shorter sleeved top" She said to me. Obviously I refused, she didn't question any further.

Later on, I've completely forgotten about my scars and all but I was getting really warm so I took my shirt off. Marjorie eyes fixated to the many scars all down both of my arms. 'Shit' I thought. "Reece?" She paused "what happened darling." She said while gently putting her hand on my scarred arm. I flinched a little bit, was I actually going to tell her. "Reece, be completely honest with me what happened." She sounded serious but concerned at the same time "who did this," she said. My heart started racing I was trying to say something but I couldn't. "I-I... I did this to myself." I said quietly. She looked shocked and just hugged me. I started crying. I usually don't cry in front of people due to my father. I just started bawling my eyes out into her arms. She grabbed my arm lightly observing the scars. "Darling, why did you do this" she said softly. I managed to stop myself from crying. "I-I don't know." I was trembling. A lot.

She held my hand, "Idiot." She said while hugging me, I knew she didn't mean that in a serious way. Atleast she didn't know that I was starving myself. I couldn't even imagine what that conversation would be like. "Reece, do you maybe want something to eat darling" she said. I refused. "Reece. When did you last eat" she said "be honest." The question hit me. I had to be honest. She'd know I was lying. She always does. "U-u-uh. Two days." I said.

She looked at me, shocked again. "Reece, sweetheart why are you doing this to yourself." She asked. "I don't know." I replied, my voice was still shaky, "Reece I'm going to make u something to eat." Marjorie says, "okay." I reply weakly. She leaves the room and Im all alone.

I just lay back on the bed I felt so alone but I wasn't. I knew I wasn't I felt sick. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I didn't really run though. i couldn't .
i threw up.
it was just blood.
nothing else.

I'm so sorry this part came out so late.
part 4 may come out today (if not tomorrow)
PS: I changed the end a little

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