4. I'd Give You My Heart if You Wanted It

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Y'all, I forgot my Zoloft existed for a few weeks, and this is what my brain did. My apologies to whoever actually reads this. It gets weird. You have been warned, but like, personally, I think it's kinda cute, but in a semi-creepy way. Nobody tell my therapist about this. I don't want another grippy sock vacation.


Travis steps out from the shower first. He grabs both of their towels and hands one to Taylor. He dries himself off and wraps his towel around his waist.

When he sees Taylor standing in the shower just holding her towel, Travis asks, "You okay, Princess?" This snaps her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, um, y-yeah," she answers as she begins to dry herself off.

Travis steps toward her. He takes the towel from her hand and wraps it around her body. "Talk to me, Tay."

Her eyes find the floor. "I-I just don't want this to end," she admits.

His hand finds her cheek which causes her eyes to meet his. "Hey, there's no need to think about that right now. We still have the rest of tonight and four more days. We'll make the most of it, and then you'll come back soon. You've got a break from tour coming up. It's all gonna work out. We just gotta enjoy the now."

The glimmer of sadness in Taylor's eyes causes Travis's stomach to drop.

She looks away, his eye contact feeling as if it is burrowing a hole into her soul. He's learning to read her way too well, and it's going to end up biting her in the ass if she doesn't get herself under control. "It's not that, Trav," she says lugubriously.

"A-are you breaking up with me?" Travis asks fearfully. His eyes coruscate with anxiety.

Taylor looks up at him confused. Why would she be breaking up with him? It is him who should be breaking up with her. "No," she declares. "Absolutely not."

Travis's eyes soften as he wraps his arms around her and pulls her in for a tight hug. "We really gotta work on this whole aftercare thing, 'cause it seems like there are lots of big feelings coming up."

"I'm sorry," Taylor says wobbly into his chest as tears prick the corner of her eyes.

He kisses the crown of her head. "Don't be sorry for your emotions, Princess. You're allowed to feel however you feel."

"But it's getting in the way of our time together," she snivels.

"No it's not, baby. Any time spent with you is the best time ever. We're still spending time together, and if this is the way you need to spend our time, then that's what we'll do. I'm here for whatever you need, whether you need to talk things out or just need reassurance or maybe you just need someone to hold you while you cry. Whatever it is you need or want, I'm here, and I'm happy to do it, okay?"

Taylor nods her head into his bare chest as a few tears fall down her cheeks.

"Come on, let's go get dressed, and your apple juice will probably be here soon. Then we can talk. Sound good?"

Taylor's teary blue eyes find Travis's green ones. "Mhm," she agrees.

He leads her out of the bathroom and motions for her to sit on the bed.

"What PJs do you want?" he asks as he makes his way to her suitcase.

"Um." Her eyes drift to the floor; she absentmindedly picks at the corners of her fingernails. "The blue ones are fine," she mumbles. They aren't what she wants, but they'll do.

Travis walks back over to her. He places his hand on top of hers causing her hands to still and her eyes to find his. He kneels down so that his eyes are level with hers.

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