6. Scary Papers

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Y'all, this is essentially just 3922 words of dialogue. Of Taylor telling Travis about her past, her trauma. I would, also, like to remind you all that this takes place in August of 2023.

CW/TW: full-blown discussion of sexual assault/abuse/grooming. Please make sure you are in a proper headspace before reading this chapter and have a safety plan in place in case you get triggered.

For your information:
- Suicide and Crisis Hotline: 988
- Crisis Text Line: text BRAVE to 741741
- National (USA) Sexual Assault Hotline: 800 656 HOPE

Discalimer: I am not trying to insinuate anything about anyone. This is a work of fiction.

Also, I mean no kink shaming. I don't mean to yuck your yum or whatever, it's just part of the story. But, also, if you are someone (especially a female) that is under like 25 and into guys that are 10+ years older than you, please be extremely careful when interacting with these men. Just because you are over 18 doesn't mean you still can't be preyed upon and end up hurt in more ways than just a broken heart.


When the couple finishes brushing their teeth, Travis leads Taylor back to his bed. He helps Taylor sit down on her side with her back leaning against the pillows before he gets in on his side doing the same.

He pulls her in to cuddle him. "You ready, Princess?"

"No," she answers honestly as she buries her head into his naked chest.

"Princess, I can pretty much guarantee that unless those papers are a marriage license or a warrant for your arrest, I'm not going to break up with you. Are they a marriage license or a warrant?"

"No," she mumbles.

"Then what are the scary papers?"

Taylor takes a deep breath in and sits up away from him. Her eyes watch her index finger play with the corner of the pages. "Um, a few weeks ago, my therapist asked me to make her a cheat sheet of what I had done with who and whether or not it was, um," she hesitates, "consensual."

Travis places his large hand on top of hers as a sign of comfort.

"I, um, have since added to it a little bit. I added things that I would like to try and, um, there's a whole section for words and phrases that trigger me."

Taylor hands him the first page. "Um, that's the key. If it's blue it was with Matty, if it's red it was with John, if it's purple it was with both, and if it's bolded, then it was with Joe."

"Who's John?" Travis asks.

"A guy I was with when I was nineteen that I absolutely should not have been with." Taylor takes in a deep breath. "He was 32."

"Wow," Travis gasps. "That's..." Travis pauses as he tries to do the math in his head.

"Thirteen years," Taylor whispers. Taylor begins to pick at her fingernails. "He, uh, he was not only my introduction to BDSM and kink, but to sex in general."

A single tear runs down Travis's cheek. "D-did he, um-" Now it's Travis that doesn't know how to finish the question.

"Rape me?" She finishes for him.

"Mhm," Travis nods.

"Um," she pauses. "The answer to that is complicated. I am, honestly, still asking myself that question." She takes in a deep breath as she wipes the tears cascading down her cheeks. "I didn't say 'no', but, um, I also didn't say 'yes'. He, actually, never even asked me, like, verbally if I wanted to. He never gave me the choice to say 'no'."

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