Chapter 1:

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Disclaimer: I've never seen "Maybe Happy Ending", I don't know the book to it, I've only seen the promo material, but it inspired me to write this futuristic love story. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Kurt was packing. A mundane task, he could ask a Helperbot to do it for him, but Kurt was old-fashioned. The world was much too technological for his taste, and he craved human contact. Being a supermodel was a lonely way of life.

Meanwhile, in New York City, Blaine had just arrived home and asked his bot, Sam, to play video games with him. Little did they know what the future had in store for them and the things in the past that connected them. They both had served as models to a line of Helperbots that would carry their body and face as clones. With that, they both had being installed with a Love Device — a device that tells you when you are in love, as soon as you fall in love.

A couple of weeks later, Kurt grew tired of looking at the same four walls of his new apartment in the Big Apple. He was craving human contact. So, he decided to go check the downstairs coffee shop. He was still in line deciding what to get with his non-fat mocha when someone cleared their throat behind him to get his attention. Kurt turned around to find the brightest hazel eyes staring at him.

"Hi, I'm sorry, you were the model for Burt, weren't you?"

"The bot? Yes, yes, I was. Not many people recognize me from that. It's an outdated model now, not?"

The guy scratched his neck:

"Guess you could say so, but I almost bought one for me. I ended up deciding to buy a Sam, you know a bro bot, rather than a... you know... boyfriend bot."

Kurt blushed. He knew some people like to date Helperbots, but it wasn't for him, seemed too easy and impersonal. However, he didn't have a prejudice against those who seek it. The beautiful boy in front of him continued talking:

"My brother is married to a bot; he convinced me to get some company. But it's not for me, Sam and I mostly only play video games together."

"Well, my brother died a few years ago. My sister-in-law decided for a bot then. It's just... not for me, I'm old-fashioned. I don't even have a Helperbot."

The guy's eyebrows raised in awe:

"Wow! That's rare nowadays."

Kurt shrugged:

"That's just me, a lonely wolf. Besides, I travel too much, seemed... complicated."

"I don't judge you; I just couldn't think my life without my best-friend."

"I don't know if I could grow attached to a bot. I know, a weirdo..."

The guy denied Kurt's last phrase with a shake of his head. He then posed his finger on his lip and pointed it towards Kurt:

"If you don't mind me asking, what took you to model for a bot then?"

"Well, I'm a model for clothes, it's my job. I was beginning my career and needed the money. You know, why not?"

"Oh, I know. I modeled for an Oliver a couple of years ago."

"You're a model too?"

The guy smiled:

"No, musician. But, as you said, money was short and everything..."

"That's why you seem familiar. I saw and Oliver now and then in Europe."

"Europe? Tell me more... Can I buy you a coffee?"

A loud beep chimed, coming from Kurt's back. He had never heard that sound, but from the place it was coming from, it could only be his Love Device. Kurt could feel his face burning with embarrassment.

"Well, that's awkward."

The guy wasn't giving much attention as Kurt to the fact that his device hadn't beeped. If the guy had one, installing was optional. Kurt just always thought that his soulmate would be someone as curious about love's ways as he was. The guy, actually, seemed not to be paying attention to Kurt at all at that moment.

"I always wondered what sound it would make when I installed mine."

So, they guy did have a Love Device too. Kurt was thinking of going away when the guy asked:

"Can I still buy you coffee? Even though... I'm interested in being your friend."

He extended a hand for Kurt, who took it.

"If it's okay by you, I'm game." Kurt motioned to his device on his back, blushing. "However, I don't even know your name."


"Kurt. So, I guess you're not adept to the theory of love at first sight?"

"Don't get me wrong, I always thought I was a hopeless romantic. And, since I almost bought a Burt, I clearly find you attractive. Maybe I'm a lone wolf in the end."

"Don't flirt with me, Blaine. Quoting me won't get you anything."

Blaine laughed.

"You're kind of unique, Kurt. I could use a friend like you."

"I'm fabulous! But no kidding, I just move to New York and a good friend is all I need."

"No family here?"

"No, they are all in Ohio."

"No kidding. I'm from Westville."

"Lima, born and raised."

"I'm definitively buying you coffee now. Want to hear all about your past."

Kurt smiled. Maybe he hadn't found his happy ending, but a friendship was more than he could expect from his first weeks in the new city.

I have no idea where I want to go with this story. I mean, I have some idea, it's a love story. So, thank you for bearing with me until here. Your thoughts and comments are welcome and might inspire me to write more (sorry about the emotional blackmail). So, basically, be patient with me and let's find out together where we're going.  

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