Chapter 3:

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Kurt never thought he'd have so much fun hanging out with a Helperbot. That was probably why he had accepted to go with Sam watch Blaine's gig. That and Blaine himself — he always wanted to be close to Blaine.

Arriving at the club, Sam was waiving at him from near the stage. On his way to his new friend, Kurt could hear the murmur of people recognizing him. He was used to it — he focused on Sam and walk towards him like he was in a catwalk.

Sam was waiting for him with a high-five. He was still busy saying hi to the bot when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder. He turned towards the hand's owner to find Blaine looking wide-eyed at him.

"Wow! You're pretty famous, aren't you? I thought only I recognized the model for Burt."

"It's probably not for Burt. I told you I was a model, like, a fashion model."

"I can see the appeal."

Kurt could feel his cheeks burning:

"Flirting, Mr. Anderson?"

Blaine was taken aback:

"I... we... I mean..."

Kurt took him out of his misery:

"Relax, Blaine, the Love Device already told me all I need to know."

There was a new emotion in Blaine's face. Was he embarrassed? Hopeful? Sam cleared his throat reminding them he was there:

"It's not for every gig my boy takes so long to find what to wear and applies guyliner."

"It suits him."

Blaine lowered his head scratching his neck. Kurt found it cute, wasn't he used to compliments? He should be, a guy like him. He was about to say something, when Blaine was called upstage. He rubbed Kurt's shoulder:

"See you soon."

He fist-knocked Sam and disappeared through the crowd. Sam looked at Kurt, smiled, and winked:

"You'll see, Blaine is incredible."

"He surely is..."

"Someone is more smitten than I thought."

Kurt shrugged:

"No use hiding it."

The lights turned on the stage. The crowd went wild. The drummer started a beat. More screams from the audience. Blaine showed up in a yellow-framed sunglasses and took the mic like it was his lover:

"Good evening, New York."

A guitar chimed from behind Blaine, but Kurt's eyes were focused on a single point, on a single face. Blaine pretended to play air-guitar, shifting the attentions to the guitarist. However, Kurt's eyes were stubborn.

The next hour was a selection of interpretations of known songs and original music Blaine had written. Kurt didn't know Blaine composed, much less such touching song. The melodies were inspired, and the lyrics spoke to Kurt's soul. No doubt why he had fallen for such a boy. Or was it just luck the boy he was in love with was so much like him?

Kurt turned to his show companion:

"Sam, why neither of you told me Blaine could write and sing like this?"

Sam smirked:

"You also didn't tell us you were so famous. Nor that you could dance!"

Kurt exaggerated a silly dance move:

"I told Blaine I was a model, only omitted my face is everywhere from here to Seoul."

"Well, he omitted the fact he sang his own tunes."

There was logic in the bot's phrase. Kurt shrugged and continued dancing, which earned him a wink from the lead singer on the stage. Kurt blew him a kiss, which made Blaine stop on track for a second, but being the showman he was, he picked up very quickly. Kurt must be out of his head, better get a drink and blame it on the alcohol. He whispered in Sam's ear he was going to the bar. The bot just nodded, standing where he was.

Kurt almost found himself in that awkward situation where you are screaming to be heard over the music and the music stops. He was about to shout his order, when the music stopped, and Blaine announced a pause. Kurt, politely, ordered his drink and stood nursing it for a while at the bar. He saw Blaine approaching and couldn't help but smile:

"Hey, mister showman, great job!"

"You really liked it?"

Kurt rubbed Blaine's bare shoulder:

"I wouldn't lie to you."

Blaine was beaming, a couple of droplets of sweat making his hair glister. He was so irresistible. He approached Kurt to whisper something in his ear over the noise of the patrons of the bar and the background music, when Kurt turned his head and their mouths met midway. Much to Kurt's surprise, Blaine didn't let him go and they exchange what could properly be called a kiss.

Kurt gasped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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