To the Moon and Back (Kitten Braden x Reader)

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 I AM SO FRICKIN' IN LOVE WITH THIS CHARACTER THAT I WOULD DIE FOR HER. I have associated "Fly Me to the Moon" with Kitten, so that's an element used in this.

Warnings: May be out of character, cheesy, bad jokes near the end

"Fly me to the moon

Let me play among the stars"

The room was silent but Frank Sinatra quietly played on the radio. "Fly Me to the Moon" was one of his best songs. The tip of the brush tickled my skin, the powder falling on over my cheeks. Kitten was an expert on makeup, her hands moving swiftly and in sync with the flow of the music. I let her do my makeup for practice. As if I wasn't red enough, I held my breath back so I wouldn't laugh. I was jittery. Kitten was focused on painting the blush on my cheeks, but having her stare deep into my eyes would cause a natural blush. She leaned forward in her stool and she was almost tipping over the edge. It was hard not to blush, especially when I was hiding romantic feelings from her.

I never told her anything, I was too scared to admit it.

Let me see what spring is like on A-Jupiter and Mars"

The music was faint. I could barely hear Frank's voice and I was hoping the music would grow louder, but it didn't. The tension was awkward. I held my hands on my knees, tapping my fingers to the beat of the song.

"So, uh, how long is this going to take?" I asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Hush and let me work my magic." I went back to being silent. I trusted what she said, she was the artist here, not me. She chuckled lightly, as lightly as she was tickling my cheeks with the brush. "I think I put on too much," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"You're too red."

That made it worse. My cheeks started heating up. It moved swiftly up to my ears. Kitten giggled. "Now you're even redder. You're not allergic to this, are you?" she asked, smiling ear to ear.

"N-no," I stuttered. "A-at least I don't think I am." Her grin grew wider.

"Maybe I should've used the mannequin instead," she teased. "I think you are allergic, you're redder by the second."

"In other words, hold my hand"

A golden tube was held in front of my face. My eyes narrowed as I looked at it better. I gulped nervously. Kitten had this grand smile on her face, her teeth shining bright like pearls. "I've been practicing on you, so I'll let you do the same," she said.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked. Kitten took my hand and placed the tube in my grasp.

"Paint my lips, please."

"In other words, baby, kiss me"

"Paint your lips?" I repeated.

"Paint my lips, darling," she said. "I know you're good at that." She winked. What was that supposed to mean?

"Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore"

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore"

If it was possible, my jaw could've dropped from my mouth. It could detach completely like it was snapped right off. Kitten asked me to do her lipstick and doing her lipstick is what I would do. I uncapped the tube of red lipstick. My hand trembled, moving closer to her lips. Kitten moved her stool to close the gap between us. Her knee brushed up against mine. She was doing it on purpose. Her sly grin told me so.

"In other words, please be true"

"Okay, hold still," I instructed. The tip of the lipstick pressed against Kitten's lips. She let out a small groan. Her lips puckered out and she closed her eyes, the corners of her lips curling into a sly smile that wouldn't leave.

"In other words, I love you"

Her lips were parted as I started the process of applying lipstick. The red of the waxy pigment painted over Kitten's pink lips. My eyes widened. I never noticed how beautiful she was, the way her eyes would twinkle in the light and how gorgeous her smile was. My cheeks were as red as the lipstick I had in hand. My grip never faltered. Kitten giggled, her cute laugh snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What's wrong, (Name)?" she asked, grinning. "Am I making you...uncomfortable?" She leaned forward. Her breath tickled my skin and her hands moved to hold my arms. Kitten was completely on the tip of her seat, practically pushing herself onto me and I held her by the waist. I put the lipstick tube on the vanity behind Kitten. I didn't even cap it.

"Fill my heart with song

Let me sing forevermore

You are all I long for, all I worship and adore"

I chuckled nervously and asked, "Uncomfortable?" My voice was weak and shaky. This wasn't my best moment.

"In other words, please be true"

"Yes, uncomfortable," Kitten said again.

"I guess I am, just a little," I admitted. I couldn't lie to her, it was wrong of me to do so. I sighed. "Can I tell you something?" I asked.

"In other words"

She nodded, her hair bouncing lightly. I knew Kitten was listening with intent and anticipation. I was waiting for myself to spit out what I wanted to say.

"Yes?" Her voice broke me. I forgot I was supposed to say something.

"Um," I started, "I....I...."

"In other words"

Oh dang it, why couldn't I say three simple words?! Why was it so hard?! The blush never faded from my cheeks. I couldn't help but stare at Kitten's lips. I managed to make them red like roses. My heart fluttered. I felt like kissing her now. "Kitten?" I managed to ask. She leaned forward in her chair.

"Yes? (Name), what is it?"

"I love you"

I opened my mouth at the wrong time, making the both of us blush. I didn't even get a chance to speak, even with the words ready to come out. It was like Frank sang it for me. My hands moved on instinct. They tried to at least, but Kitten was quicker.

I guess the feeling was mutual. In a swift move, her lips were on mine, her lipstick smearing all over my own lips. I was taken back by the sudden move. Automatically, like we had done this before, my hands placed themselves on her hips. She completely pushed off the stool to lean against me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. A few chuckles escaped through my lips as we kissed. There was a brief moment where we could breathe and talk. Her hair was silky in my hand as I brushed it back. It framed her face perfectly.

"I really do love you," I whispered, leaning in. Kitten giggled, kissing my cheek.

"Permission to say a joke?"

"Go ahead." She giggled again. Her lips were touching mine ever so slightly.

"I'm litter-ly in love with you. It's kitten all over my face," she joked. "I think I've been purr-ty obvious." I giggled and shook my head.

"We really need to talk about your cat puns," I whispered, getting another giggle from Kitten. I leaned in and closed the gap between us once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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