Chapter 14: Work Trip

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Evelyn's POV

As the sun set behind the trees, casting a warm, golden glow over the park, Ian and I walked slowly back to the car, our hearts brimming with emotions. Sophie was drifting off to sleep, her tiny body nestled comfortably in the stroller, her breathing steady and peaceful. I couldn't stop replaying the events of the day in my mind, my heart swelling with a mixture of joy, pride, and a touch of sadness.

Once we were all settled in the car, Ian started to drive off. Sophie fell asleep securely strapped in her car seat and her beloved Blue by her side. I glanced at Ian, and we shared a silent moment of understanding and gratitude.

"Can you believe it?" I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. "She called us Mama and Dada."

Ian nodded, a soft smile spreading across his face. "I know. I wasn't sure if I'd heard it right at first. It's like she finally feels safe enough to let us in."

I reached out and placed my hand on Ian's, our fingers intertwining. "She's been through so much, Ian. Seeing her happy today, seeing her laugh and play... it felt like a miracle."

Ian squeezed my hand gently. "It was a big step for her. And did you notice how she regressed a bit today? She didn't even realize it, but she slipped in and out of little space all day."

I nodded, tears misting over my eyes. "I did. When she clung to you at the doctor's office, when she asked for help with the ice cream... those moments. She let herself be vulnerable."

Ian's expression turned serious, his brow furrowing slightly. "Do you think she understands what it means to call us Mama and Dada? I mean, really understands?"

I sighed, leaning back in my seat. "I'm not sure. But I think it was a natural progression for her. She's been testing the waters, seeing how we react to her needs and fears. Today, she took a leap of faith. We can also buy books for bedtime stories that will help her better understand everything."

Ian nodded thoughtfully. "And we need to make sure we don't let her down. She's trusting us with her heart, Evelyn."

I smiled, my heart aching with the depth of my love for Sophie. "We won't let her down, Ian. We'll give her all the love and security she needs. One step at a time."

When we finally arrived home, Ian carefully unbuckled Sophie from her car seat, cradling her gently in his arms as she continued to sleep. I followed them inside, my heart full as I watched Ian carry Sophie upstairs to her room.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as I watched Ian lay Sophie down in her crib. He brushed a strand of hair from Sophie's forehead, his touch tender and loving. I stepped closer, placing a hand on Ian's shoulder.

"She's so peaceful," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion. "I hope she dreams of all the good things we did today."

I leaned into Ian, feeling his warmth and strength. "We did good today, Ian. We made her smile, and that's all that matters."

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