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Seeing Fiona like that, observing them from the remote building with tears glistening in the corners of her eyes as if she really believed that they would leave without her, made Peregrine want to walk to her and assure her that they would come back, that they would never return to Silmarea without their princess. 

But it would only make matters worse, he realised, knowing well that the stubborn woman was struggling against herself. She wanted them to go away and yet she didn't, she didn't want to leave her world and come home with them and yet she didn't want to remain here, not now that they convinced her about the existence of her other home... Fiona needed time to sort through her feelings. So he opted for a cheerful greeting, took his hat off, and bowed, his smile a promise of their return. 

"Are we going home, dragon?" Leodhais asked hopefully as Peregrine led them along the same roads they took to get to the hospital the previous day. If they left now, they could walk through the stones at night, and he would be with Annwyn in the morning...

Gilderoy's chuckle disturbed his reverie. "Of course not! Peregrine will never leave without her. And you shouldn't be thinking about leaving her here either, Leodhais. This quest is your responsibility as much as ours; you don't want to disappoint Alaric, do you?"

Leodhais growled impatiently at hearing his friend's words. "But she doesn't want to come. She said her home is here. We can't possibly drag her to Alaric against her will; she can't be forced to become our queen."

"She will come," Peregrine said. The elf was right for once; no one should be forced to shoulder the responsibilities of a ruler. But it didn't change the fact that Peregrine had decided not to leave her in this world. There was sadness emanating from her, and disappointment. She wasn't happy here. She had to at least see her other world and then decide where she wanted to live her life. Fiona might just be happier in Silmarea, but she would never find out if he allowed her to refuse the possibility of at least visiting it and meeting her father. "She just needs a little more time to make her decision. She's curious and open minded, she won't refuse a chance like this."

Leodhais let his eyes drop to Gilderoy, who nodded in agreement with the dragon's words.

"Fine. Whatever," he agreed reluctantly even as they reached the tube station. "So what are we going to do before we return here tonight?"

"A little sightseeing," Peregrine said, leading them across the busy road and into the old station building to buy tickets. "London is nothing like Alaric's Lundenwic, and I'm sure that Gilderoy will appreciate seeing the city centre. We have almost ten hours, that's enough time to show you at least a few things," Peregrine finished, smiling down at Gilderoy who beamed back as they boarded the train which was already waiting at the platform, both of them ignoring the scowling elf.

They were back at their spot in the park across from the hospital entrance that Fiona used a few minutes before ten, Peregrine eager to see the short ginger woman again, Gilderoy chattering excitedly to his tired and bored friend in tow.

Peregrine allowed them to talk until he spotted her walking through the ill-lit vestibule. "Hush. Don't let her see us immediately," he said, hoping to glean from her expression whether she was expecting to find them here again, whether she was pleased to see... him... His face exploded in a smile the moment she noticed them, a happy smile she could not hide, tugging at the corners of her lips. It was a wonderful feeling. He was about to walk towards her across the rows of parked cars when he noticed a boy running in her direction and pushed his companions back into the trees instead, attempting to hide.

An infinite stream of information penetrated his mind the moment the boy entered his life at a run, sending the night air into churning swirls floating in his direction, carrying his scent, the mysterious scent he had perceived lingering around Fiona from the first moment. Turning away from the scene unfolding in front of them, raising his hands in the air to bid a moment of silence from his surprised companions, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, even as a new scent entered his mind. Of course, the little boy would not be alone.

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