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The first thing Leodhais did upon entering his and Gilderoy's room was to remove Alaric's ring from his finger and put it on one of the leather thongs he kept in his pockets, should he need to tie his hair. He held it in front of him, observing it thoughtfully as the simple band of gold swung gently, reflecting the moving candlelight; before, sighing, he put it around his neck. 

While he lived at the court, everything seemed simple and straightforward, and he obeyed the wishes of the man who had made himself his adoptive father without questioning them, it was the least he could do in return for the love and care Alaric bestowed upon him. But now... After what he had seen and felt during this journey... whom he had met... The world was so much bigger and more complicated than the court, offering endless possibilities, love, maybe, among them. Leodhais had never cared much for love, knowing that to please Alaric, he would have to settle into a marriage of convenience, sooner or later. But, after having met Annwyn tonight... Alaric himself had married for love, so why couldn't he follow his heart too?

He startled upon hearing Gilderoy's voice. The dwarf was almost invisible in the large bed set in the dark corner on the other end of the room, out of reach of the tremulous light shining from the only candelabrum and Leodhais had forgotten that he wasn't alone.

"You can't do that, Leodhais," Gilderoy said, his voice troubled. He could guess how Leodhais was feeling after the encounter with Annwyn; his own feelings for Aryana grew with time and distance instead of diminishing. 

"What do you mean?" Leodhais asked nonchalantly, removing his cloak and shirt, the ring coming to rest on his bare chest as he dropped the garments on the free bed and walked to the table set by the door, which held a large basin and an ewer.

He proceeded to wash, faking indifference to Gilderoy's opinion, but he kept his ears trained on his friend's words. He knew that he would be judged and criticised by many for this action; he wanted at least his friend to understand and accept his decision. Because he had just decided that if Annwyn would give him a chance, once this quest will be over, he will renounce everything and try to win her love. No woman had ever treated him like she did, as if she could see right through his facade into his heart and liked what she found there. It was liberating, elating, quite wonderful. For the first time ever Leodhais realised that the life at court that Alaric had constructed for him after his parents deaths, didn't feel like it belonged to him, that he had never been truly happy before Annwyn set her ice blue eyes on him tonight. Not even becoming the king of Silmarea would feel this good.

Gilderoy sighed. "You can't refuse Alaric's daughter after you accepted to court her. You can only hope that she will refuse you..."

"Then let me hope, Gilderoy," Leodhais said, his voice muffled by a piece of soft, bright cloth he used to dry his face. He inhaled deeply, trying to discern the scents belonging to Annwyn trapped within the fabric beneath those of burning wood of the many fireplaces that permeated the building. 

"I just want you to be happy. Good night, Leodhais."

"You are the best friend I've ever had..." Leodhais trailed off as he walked to his luggage and chose a clean shirt, then blew out the candles and lay down on the bed set opposite of Gilderoy's. He fell asleep to the diminishing sounds of music and voices from downstairs, thinking, then dreaming of Annwyn.

Leodhais never recalled once that she was Peregrine's younger sister and that the fact might be a problem, until he saw the two downstairs together, when he and Gilderoy descended from their room at sunrise to find Annwyn and Peregrine seated at one of the tables in the now empty inn, deep in conversation.

She was clad in a long cerulean gown hemmed with wide strips of the most delicate snow-white lace, the colours matching her eyes, the style making her look regal and gorgeous and... 

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