Chapter - 22

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Recap: Avinash and Sitara share an initmate moment and later they get to know about Bhavna's hand in scam.


Avinash and Sitara were stunned on hearing the words of the dealer and for a while Avinash stod mum looking at the duo. Sitara stroke his back and interlaced her fingers with his.

Sitara: I m sorry, you ok ?

Avinash came out of his trance and bobed his head but the next moment he started punching the general manager and the dealer until Sitara and Sumanth pulled him back.

Avinash: How dare you mother fuckers ? Sumanth, black list them and inform the guards to lock them up in the warehouse until I decide up on their punishment. 

Sitara: Avinash..

Avinash: Sumanth get the file and inform the driver to get the car.

Sitara: Ash, please stop and listen to me.

She pulled him with her to their room and pushed him to be seated on the couch.

Sitara: Don't think of a family revenge Avinash. You are a businessman and think from that perspective. What would you do if someone from outside family had done this ?

She poured some water for him and he gulped it one go. He removed his blazer and threw it on the floor and loosened his tie.

Avinash: I have been fucking paying them every month and you won't believe the amount they have been receiving over the years. Yet she is working behind my back and how cunning she could be ? Its high time I let the vicious woman alive. I would have killed her long back if granny hadn't stopped me.

Sitara: Ash, I know you feel betrayed and trust me I know how it feels but right now its not the time to confront her when we are yet to check on the hotels and other business which you have left under the care of your employees. What if she has been doing something with other business too ?

Avinash stopped pacing and looked at Sitara bewildered. He couldn't deny that she was right and he was being deceived all these years and he wasn't even aware of it. 

Avinash: How was she able to plan when she has never had any idea on business ? Could be Mr. Vamsi too has his hands in this ?

Sitara: Lets not conclude anything unless we are sure of it with all the evidence. Think rationally, you might not consider him your father but he is your granny's son and she might not be happy if you treat him bad without any solid evidence. First make sure who is behind all this and then we shall take a call.

Sitara cupped his face and caressed his cheek with her thumb.

Sitara: Calm down Ash. 

Avinash nodded his head and he called Sumanth to bring the men to his room. Shortly the door opened and Sumanth lead the general manager and the Dealer to enter the room.

Avinash signed a cheque leaf and placed it before them along with his pistol.

Avinash: I give you two choice. Either you accept the cheque and fill any amount you want but you will not reveal anything to Mrs. Bhavna about being caught and continue to work for her just like you were doing all these years or your corpse will leave this building.

GM/Dealer: Sir, we will work for you please don't kill us.

Avinash: My men will be montioring all your activities and both your families will be under survelliance. If you dare to go against me then the consequences will be worst. The cheque will be passed only when I let you draw money using it. Am I clear ?

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