Chapter - 64

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Recap: Avinash and Sitara's reception party. Later Avinash reveal about Bhavna's plan to kill Sitara.


As soon as Avinash completed his revealation gasps filled the room, while Avinash gritted his teeth and rolled up his sleeves, fury radiating from him. His eyes blazed with anger, and his whole body tensed, ready for confrontation.

Mini: No, that medicine wasn't meant to kill her. I asked Bhavna aunty, and she said it would only cause a stomach upset.

Vamsi slapped Bhavna, and Krithika marched to her mother, throwing a look of disgust before moving to Mini and slapping her.

Avinash: Alright, the show will continue with a few more guests who are waiting inside, so let's go in. Love, you promised me you'd stay composed. I could have dealt with this when I first learned about the man and what he said to you, but I waited for this party because it was the first thing you asked for after our marriage. I am very curious and furious to uncover the truth.

Sitara hummed and holding her hand he led her into the garage followed by everyone. The guards stood at the entrance sealing the exit. Everyone was shocked to see Mythili and Kavya tied to chairs, with Mythili looking weak as if she hadn't eaten for days.

Mini: Let go of my mother, you...

She couldn't finish her sentence before being tied up next to Mythili. Kavya remained silent, her gaze fixed on Sitara, who was ignoring her. Mini screamed, and a slap from one of the lady guards silenced her.

Avinash glanced at the lady guard and nodded. In an instant, Bhavna was bound to a chair.

Bhavna: Let me go, I did plan something, but I changed my mind. In fact, I will leave the mansion, so please let me go.

Radha: Avi, what is going on? Why are they tied up? For whatever crime they've committed, turn them over to the police.

Avinash: Granny, Mrs. Bhavna and Mrs. Mythili have been best friends since college. They stayed in touch all these years but pretended they hadn't met until Krithika's wedding talks began.

Everyone was taken aback and looked at Bhavna and Mythili, who exchanged uneasy glances.

Avinash: There is clearly a lot we don't know, and I want answers.

Avinash pulled a chair for Sitara and made her sit before dragging another chair and sitting opposite Mythili.

Avinash: I will ask questions, and I expect honest answers. Anything less will have consequences. When your friend met you in prison, you suggested killing Sitara, but you said something that intrigued me. You mentioned doing what you did years ago. What exactly did she do, or what did you both do?

Mythili: She did nothing. You're trying to frame us. You committed a crime by freeing me from prison going againt the law.

Avinash looked at the lady guard, who immediately began slapping Mini and Kavya until their cheeks were swollen.

Avinash: I repeat, what did you mean by doing what you did years ago?

Mini: Mom, I couldn't speak still I beg you, please tell him whatever he is asking for.

Mythili: I don't know what you are asking for. Let go of me and my daughters.

Avinash rose to his feet kicking the chair he was seated and pointed a gun on Mini's head who was now screaming.

Avinash: SHUTP UP, I don't want my wife to be stressed from hearing all your screams so save it until I blow your head. 

Letting go of Mini he turned his attention to Bhavna who was sweating profusely and tears rolling from her eyes but this time he had the gun pointed over Mythili's head.

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