Chapter - 53

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Recap: Prathap commit suicide and Kavya carry our his final rites.


Sitara was sitting alone by the pool with her legs dipped in the water and she looked lost in thoughts when Avinash and Krithika reached out to her. They sat on either side with their legs in water and Avinash gently stroke her back bringing her out of trance.

Krithika: Sitara, we are here for you and you can talk with us. Don't bottle up any emotions that is not good for you especially when you are pregnant. We should be celebrating your pregnancy and my bad that I got to meet you in this situation.

Avinash: Tara, you have been awfully silent since we heard about his death and please let me kow what is running in your mind. If you are missing him then its absolutely ok and I won't judge you or if there is something else then talk to me. I m here for you beautiful.

Sitara: I m not missing him rather I hate him more than ever now. He gave nothing but pain all these years and even after he came to know that bitch cheated on him, faked a son and sent his own daughter to orphanage he didn't feel remorseful for what he did to my mother and me. Not once he thought of talking to me and fix our relationship, he made no attempt to make my life better, not once he thought he should talk to me but he simply committed suicide and proved that he never had any feelings for my mother or me so why should I cry for such a man. I hate him and I hate myself that I was born to him. Good that everything is over now and I have nothing to hold on to anymore.

Avinash pulled her to lean over him and interlaced their fingers. Krithika passed a glass of juice to her and Sitara sipped it slowly.

Krithika: Wish we were born in better circumstance and lived a simple yet better and happy life rather than going through all these trauma. At times, I used to think that I don't deserve all these love from you, bro and granny. You all have all rights to hate me and even throw me out of the mansion and your life but I m just greedy like my mother and the only difference is she is greedy for money and I m greedy for all your love. 

Sitara: You are not at fault Krithika. You didn't ask for them to be your parents and atleast you aren't like them and chose your life following granny and Ash.

Krithika: Please don't mind me but hate me if that will help you both heal from all the pain. I will endure it to repent for the sin my mother and father did in bro's life.

Avinash: Shut up and get lost. You talk too much as if you are high on booze. Get back and talk to Sumanth to arrange your travel back to Brazil.

Krithika: No, we wanted to stay for few days so let me go check on granny. 

Krithika squeezed Sitara's hands before walking out of the room. Avinash rose to his feet and scooped her in his arms carrying her to the bed. 

Avinash: You should sleep for a while and you might feel better. 

He cuddled with her and pulled the duvet to cover them. His palm was caressing her abdomen and Sitara drifted into sleep.

When they woke up, Sitara moved to the sit out and stared at nothing in particular and seem to be lost in her own world. Avinash tried to talk to her but she stayed mum and he was the only one conversing and taking care of her.

Two days passed with the same routine yet Avinash didn't give up and continued talking to her though there wans't a single word in reply from her. He made sure she was eating her meals and vitamins on time and with some difficulty he made her sleep.

He entered the study and saw Sumanth working on the documents he had given to handle. On seeing Avinash standing by the window, Sumanth decided to talk to him since he has also seen what was happening for the past 2 days.

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