1A's Problem Children, ENSEMBLE!

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Chapter 23 - 1A's Problem Children, ENSEMBLE!

Previously on HmP:

"Doesn't mean I don't like to brag about it" Harry sneers.

"Nah, nah, guys, I have more than you; extras have." Bakugo joined in.

"Why do you join?" Todoroki ask

"Fuck off, Icy-Hot, I can do whatever I want." Bakugo sneers

"Fine, but still, mine is more than the two of you, dumbasses," Harry says.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?!" Bakugo yells.


"Oh, you're too loud; I gave up; mine is," the brocolli boy finally joins.

"Oh, how dar-" "I dare" the chihuahua and the brocolli boy glare at each other.

"MINE," "Na ah," "Don't you dare." "Shut up, you." Chaos started, and the professors could only blink at the sight.

"WILL THE FOUR OF YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!?" Aizawa sensei wakes up, glaring at them; his tape is flying everywhere.

"Sir, yes, sir," they mocked (except for Izuku), but they calmed down anyway.

"We need more Aizawa sensei in this world; she is such an amazing person." Kaminari fake sobbed.

"Stop your whining and shut up too," Aizawa said.

"I changed my mind; one is enough," Kaminari says, turning to a nearby corner.

The professors and the students laughed hard.

"Now let's me sleep in peace; it's bedtime," he says again.

"He is indeed the best father figure we have." Tsuyu shrugged

"I know"

"Hey, what about me?" All might pop out.

"You're just Midoriya's; Izuku might be your secret love child anyway." Todoroki frown

"HEY! As much as I respect All-Might, I still have a dad; he's aboard," Izuku pouted.

"Ohhhh, our sweet brocolli boy," Harry teasingly said before turning around.

"And our angry-all-the-time chihuahua." Bakugo growls

"See?" everyone laughs again.

"I want to go to my dorm," Tokoyami says. "To the darkness," his shadow says.

"One hour more."

"But anyway, class 1A has a great teacher, right?" All might smile.

They all agree (except Bakugo).

"Tsk," he says.

"Don't be mean, Bakugo," Sato says.

"Shut up, will you?"

"Kacchan," Izuku says.

"Bad move, bad move," Harry and Todoroki sigh.


"For godric sake," "Dear Merlin," "The hell?!" the guests shouted.

"That is very normal," Momo chuckled.

"Ah, anyway, All-Might!" Harry call


"Are you aware of the thing I have to do while in England?" Harry asks while All-Might frowns.

"He hasn't told me yet; what is it?"

"I have to investigate Britain's magical world with the help of some of the Pro Heroes, including you," he says.

"Huh?" The wizards and witches are shocked.

"Yes, we're going to stay for a while." Harry nods


Sorry for the long update and short chapter guys, i've been busy writing my original book and studying 4 languages and school project, but here ya go

Alright then,


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