Told you, Jack

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I sit in the room I left Hiccup in, waiting for him to wake up. Only after a few hours of watching and waiting, I get bored and decide to go out. I pick my staff off the desk and walk into the shadows and imagine the first room we were in when we rescued Hiccup. I stay partially in the shadows as I watch what unfolds in front of me.

There's a fat man in red pants and shirt with a white beard, a bunny that's the size of the fat man and the boy, Jack. Jack sits in a chair while the other two stand in front of him. I hear the boy talking to them but I can't hear what he's saying. I walk into the shadows again and imagine a place close, yet far enough away they won't detect me.

I can hear him faintly, "I'm telling you, Jacklene switched sides! She has short hair now but you have to believe me! Either she was captured and manipulated somehow or she chose this herself." How would he know my full name? All I said was Jackie. This brings up too many questions...

"Are you certain? I do not want to have Tooth and Sandy start the search if you are wrong." Jack nods confidently.

"Alright, I'll have Tooth and Sandy go now. Bunny, stay here with Jack." The fat man walks a few feet away.

"North, wait." Bunny-man hops after him. The fat man must be the one called North, the bunny obviously is Bunny.

"We can't just leave him like this, look at Jack." Where I hide in the shadows, I can see the plan working, the nightmare sand very slowly crawls up his neck and down his back. He's sweating like a pig, he must feel the fear already. Beautiful.

"Someone has to find her. And find Raven and Pitch as well." I decide to take advantage of this situation. I clear my throat so I can laugh like an evil villain.

After a few seconds I decide against laughing, it's not me. So I just speak softly, sing-songy almost. "Jack? Jaaaack? Where are you Jack? Come play with me." He lifts his head in a flash. The other two look up and around the big room. "Jaaaack." My voice echoes throughout the room, they can't find where I am.

"J-Jacklene." He whispers. "Where are y-you? Please come out." He stutters, he's weak. I'm loving this situation.

"Jack, that doesn't sound like Jacklene. This person sounds like Raven." Bunny says.

I lose my tamper too quickly, "I'm not Raven, you moron! Don't compare me to her!" I'm not even close to her power. I think.

"Then who are you?" North asks, I'm not sure which will strike the most fear into their hearts, walking out of the shadows or playing with them... Messing with their thoughts; or just Jack's thoughts... Hmmm, decisions decisions.

I decide to just laugh, I guess it was my thing. "Jaaack, Jaaaaaaack?" I lean more in the shadows and I'm in a new part of the room, instead of being behind Jack, I'm in front of him but on the ceiling. "Do you remember what I said Jack? When it was you, me, and Hiccup?"

He jolts his head up in my direction, "Jacklene, I knew it. What did you do to yourself?" He stands up, he's wobbling pretty bad. He leans on his staff a bit.

"I didn't do anything to myself, I'm exactly the way Raven remembers me. She saved me from-"

"From who?" Jack interrupts, "From us? How do you think we're the bad people here?" He looks around, not sure if he's looking for me or looking for something to talk about while North finds 'Sandy' and 'Tooth' to look for me.

"Yes, from you, god, how dumb can you be?" He's annoying me to death.

I hide in the shadows again, Bunny asks the most ridiculous question ever: "Jacklene? Is that really you mate?" No, I'm the freaking easter bunny.

I end up in the shadows behind Jack's chair again. "Oh Bunny, you should really just stop calling me by that name." I say through gritted teath, I'm trying not to lose it completely.

"Bunny," Jack says, "Just give me a minute. Alone. I promise I'll be okay." Bunny looks hesitant, he looks around then whispers something I couldn't hear. Then he hops off really fast, I didn't realize he was gone until Jack speaks up.

"So, what do you want from me? I know what I want from you three."

I'm tired of playing games right now, "Enough. I'm done with this," I walk out of the shadows, staff in hand. Jack turns around and sees me, I must have looked pretty mad or scary, he looked even more pale.

"Let's do this the easy way, shall we?" I smile darkly as the shadows enclose around us. I start floating while he barely has any strength left, he falls into the darkness. "Told you I would 'see you soon' Jack."

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