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(A/n :First male Y/n story)

Y/n POV: I was walking into the common room when I heard Sam and Bucky having a shouting match and Steve trying to calm them down. I walked up to Nat and Clint who were chilling on the couch watching the drama, "What's going on?" I asked as I sat beside Nat, "Sam and Bucky are at their throats, trying to kill each other."

"I think I know why Bucky is trying to kill Sam," I smirked as I thought of the many reasons why they're trying to kill each other "Why's that?" She asked then noticed my smirk, "What did you do?"

"I covered all of Bucky's things in pink glitter and put the container in Sam's room," I whispered in her ear, She snickered. "That's very mature of you."
"I couldn't help it, I like pranks." She laughed. "Well, maybe you should go do something to calm them down." "And have Bucky kill me? No way."

Steve walked over, after getting them to calm down a little "Hey guys." "What's up with Sam and Bucky?" I asked already knowing, and hiding a smile He looked between the two of them. "Bucky wants to kill Sam." "Why's that?" I kept acting like I didn't know what was going on, "Something about pink glitter." "Well, they need to stop acting like kids." They glared at me the second I finished my sentence.

Nat covered her mouth with her hand, trying not to laugh. Bucky pointed to his room. "You did that, didn't you?" I couldn't hold back a small snicker and smile, "Maybe, maybe not." I immediately ran off as they both ran after me, Bucky managed to get ahead of me and grab me by the wrist, his metal hand that grabbed my wrist was cold and firm. "AHH!" I yelled in pain as I felt his grip sprain my wrist.

Bucky's POV:

I had just come out of the shower when I noticed pink glitter everywhere in my room. "What the hell?!" I exclaimed. Glitter was everywhere, and I mean everywhere, from the floor to the ceiling. As I looked closer, I saw a small trail of glitter on the floor leading somewhere. Thankfully, my bathroom was connected to my room, so I quickly got changed and followed the glitter trail.

The trail led to Sam's room. "Of course, he covered my entire room with pink glitter," I muttered, feeling my blood start to boil.

Determined to get some answers, I marched into the common room where almost everyone was chatting or relaxing. I spotted Sam talking with Steve about something.

"Sam, what the hell?! Why did you cover my room with pink glitter?" I shouted, catching everyone's attention.
"What are you talking about? I didn't cover it with glitter," Sam responded, barely holding back a snicker.

"Don't laugh and lie about it. I know it was you. I saw the trail leading to your room," I insisted, feeling my frustration grow. Sam's smirk disappeared, replaced with genuine confusion. "I seriously didn't do it," he said, his tone is more serious now.

"Yeah, right," I scoffed. "Then who did?"
Before Sam could respond, Steve chimed in, looking at the commotion with curiosity. "What's going on here?" he asked."Steve, did you see anyone messing with my room?" I asked, hoping for a witness."No, I didn't," Steve replied, crossing his arms. "Why, what's up?"

"Someone covered my room in pink glitter, and I found a trail leading to Sam's room," I explained. He raised an eyebrow at Sam. "You seriously didn't do it?" he asked."For the last time, no!" Sam said, exasperated. "Why does everyone think it was me?"

My eyes narrowed. "Because you're always pulling pranks, Sam. And this has your name written all over it." Sam stepped closer to me, frustration evident on his face. "You think I'd do something like this and then lie about it?" he demanded. "Wouldn't be the first time," I shot back, my tone icy.

The tension in the room escalated quickly. Steve stepped between us, trying to keep the peace. "Alright, everyone calm down," he said, holding up his hands. "Fighting isn't going to solve anything." "I didn't do it, then who did?" Sam asked, trying to keep his cool. My clenched his fists. "I don't know, but we're going to find out."

After we had calmed down a little bit, I heard Y/n say."Well, they need to stop acting like kids." Sam and I both turned to him and glared at him

I pointed to my room. "You did that, didn't you?" He couldn't hold back a small snicker and smile, "Maybe, maybe not." He immediately ran off as both Sam and I ran after him, I managed to get ahead of him and grab him by the wrist, my metal hand that grabbed his wrist was cold and firm. "AHH!" He yelled in pain as he felt my grip sprain his wrist.

Y/n's POV:

Bucky had sprained my wrist by grabbing it with his metal hand, he immediately let go of me as I cried out in pain. "Ah, fudge!" I cried out, feeling the sharp pain in my wrist. Bucky immediately let go, his eyes wide with regret.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry," he said, stepping back. I cradled my wrist, trying to breathe through the pain. "It's okay, Bucky. Just... be careful next time."

Steve, sensing the tension, intervened again. "Let's all just take a step back. Bucky, get Y/N some ice and take him to Banner." I nodded "Going to see Banner is a good idea."

(A/n I'll make a part two, this is pretty long)

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