Pranks pt 2

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Bucky and I headed to the lab to see Banner, bucky came mostly because he felt bad but it wasn’t his fault well semi his fault. I was the one who had pranked him with glitter and now I was paying the price “Y/n, I’m sorry I sprained your wrist. I should have been more careful.” I sighed and turned my head to him “It’s not fully your fault, I shouldn’t have just pranked you and then run off. I was in a playful mood and didn’t think about it.”

I didn’t think about it, I mean I’m just a teen who is an Avenger “Don’t overthink about it, sides you’re just a kid and the youngest of us.” “I’m not that young, I’m 16. I’m Peter’s age.” “You’re still a kid.” “Especially to you Grandpa,” I mumbled hiding a snicker. “What was that?” “Nothing.”

“No, I heard something.” I couldn’t help but snicker sure he wasn’t a grandpa because he was still in his mid-30s I think, but he was a guy from World War 2 who was frozen in ice for years. “I swear it’s nothing… Grandpa.” He groaned “You’re going to be the death of me, you, Sam, are a pain in my ass. And I’m not that old.”

“Buck you’re 107, you could be my grandpa if we were related. Speaking of Sam, he won’t get back at me for framing him, will he?” He shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe.” “Well crap, as if I’m not already screwed enough.” Bucky chuckled a little “Serves you right.” 

Soon we made it to the lab, “Hey Bruce, are you busy?” he looked up from something that did look important “No, not too busy. Is everything alright?” I walked up to the desk and leaned against it “Not really, I sprained my wrist and was wondering how bad it looks.” He walked over to look at it,

“It doesn’t look too bad, but it’s sprained.” I sighed “So, no missions and no training?” “Yeah, I’m sorry, but until it heals you’re on bed rest, you’ll have to wear a cast.” “Please tell me that you’re joking.” He gave me a look as he put a cast on my wrist “Come on, I hate casts. They itch and are so annoying.”

“You should have thought about that when you put the glitter in my room,” Bucky said leaning against a wall. Bruce raised an eyebrow “Long story.” I said annoyed that I had to wear a cast, “You’ll have to wear the cast for about one to three weeks.”

I groaned “Well thanks for the help.” “Any time, just try not to do anything that will break the cast.” I nodded “I won’t do anything stupid, and tell the big green guy I said hi.” I said as Bucky and I walked out.

“So, what are you going to do besides rest your wrist?” I shrugged “I don’t know maybe just chill and hang around till my wrist is better, and maybe some more pranks.” “Don’t even think about it. Haven’t you learned your lesson?” Bucky glared “I’m joking, I’ve learned my lesson.” “Good.” Sam said sneaking up from behind me, “What the hell?!”

Both Sam and Bucky started laughing, I normally never got scared easily but I guess karma chose to give me a wake-up call. “Geez, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” I shot a glare at both of them as they both laughed, “Next time remember that actions have consequences.” Sam said as the laughing died down,

I muttered something till I got a notification from my phone, I pulled it out and saw a message from Peter. I snickered as I looked at it, “What’s so funny Y/n?” Bucky asked leaning over my shoulder and seeing the text “Oh. My. Gosh. Peter did that, when?” “Not too long ago, around the time I glitterflied your room.” Bucky started laughing again, “What is it?” Sam asked and my eyes widened a little as I looked at him, I texted Peter to hurry and leave Sam’s room.

“Uh, are you sure you want to know?” “Well…” I looked at Bucky asking for help, he shook his head “Damn it.” I muttered, “What did you do?” Sam asked, “Nothing, I swear.”

I half lied “Ok, then what did Peter do?” I put my phone away “You don’t want to know.” was all I could say, “Go take a look at your room.” Bucky said calming down from laughing, Sam’s eyes widened and he ran to his room to find it covered in blue glitter “Damn it, Barnes.” I shot a glare at Bucky as I ran after Sam, “What the hell?! Did Peter do this?” Sam asked turning to me as I caught up to him.

I shrugged “Maybe.” I said hiding a smile, the plan before I sprained my wrist was that Peter and I both glitterflied Sam and Bucky’s rooms and had them think that the other person did it, “You knew didn’t you didn’t you Y/n?”  “It’s rude to assume, but I can neither confirm nor deny that I did.” Sam groaned “F.R.I.D.A.Y, has anyone been in my room lately?” Sam asked the AI, his frustration evident.

There was a brief pause before F.R.I.D.A.Y's calm voice responded, "Yes, approximately fifteen minutes ago, Peter Parker was in your room. Additionally, Y/n L/n  assisted in planning the prank."
Sam's eyes widened as he turned to me. "Y/n, you helped him?" I shrugged, trying to hide my grin. "Well, technically, I only helped with the planning. Peter did the glitter-bombing."

Bucky burst out laughing again. "Oh man, this just keeps getting better."
Sam shook his head, exasperation on his face. "You two are unbelievable." I couldn't help but laugh. "It was supposed to be a harmless prank. Besides, it’s not like we caused any real damage." Sam sighed, looking at the glitter-covered mess. "I'm going to get both of you back for this. Just wait."

Bucky, still chuckling, clapped Sam on the back. "Good luck with that. Y/n's just as mischievous as Peter." I joined in the laughter, imagining the pranks and paybacks that were sure to follow. "Just remember, Sam, actions have consequences," I teased, echoing his earlier words. Sam groaned but couldn't suppress a grin. "Yeah, yeah. Just wait until it's your turn."

Later during the weekend Peter and I were chilling in his room doing homework “This is so boring, how much do we still have?” I groaned “Just a few more pages, besides it’s not that hard.”  “Says the nerd.” "Hey, one, I'm not a nerd. Two, you're smart. You can do it. It's easy," he shot back. I rolled my eyes playfully, but before I could respond, I saw something flying toward us. "DUCK!"

I shouted, pushing Peter off the bed just as a water balloon hit me square in the chest. Sputtering and soaked, I looked up to see Sam standing in the doorway, a mischievous grin on his face. "Payback time!" Sam declared, holding another water balloon in his hand. Peter, now on the floor, looked between Sam and me, his eyes wide.

"Seriously, Sam?" "Seriously," Sam confirmed, tossing the second balloon toward Peter. He narrowly dodged it, the balloon splattering against the wall.

(A/n: Hope you liked it, next one-shot will be a Female Y/n. I'll make sure to go back and forth so that way everyone likes these.)

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