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*** a/n: if you like our imagines try reading our new fanfics :) we want more reads and votes so please head over and read them

Niall imagine

"Niall, this is so ridiculous," you mumbled into the floor. Your eyes kept refusing to reopen every time you blinked. It was 2am and you were so tired.

"No, no babe. Hold on," you glance up and Niall sits there with a determined look on his face. His tongue is turned up over his upper lip and he concentrates on rolling the dice.

"Niall! We've been playing monopoly for over 4 hours!" You growled frustrated.

"Shh..I get $200! Woo!" Niall stands and does a victory dance,"Nialler like a puma,". He stops dancing and makes a kitty face. You roll your eyes that by the way burn with sleep. The lasts thing you see is Niall's beaming face as you rest your face on the floor and sleep.


"Shh, go to sleep princess," you hear Niall's soothing voice whisper. You feel yourself being rocked back and forth as Niall carries you to the room you share. He sits on the bed and lays you on him as he rocks you back and forth. You smile contentedly with your eyes closed. You clutch his shirt in your fists and inhale his cinnamon-y aroma. Niall chuckles and kisses your head.

"You're so cute," he whispers as he continues to rock you back and forth.

"Says the definition of cuteness," you mumble into his hard, yet comfortable chest.

"You're so adorable babe. I'm sorry for making you play a marathon of monopoly," he finishes as the room fills with his contagious laughter. You can't help but smile.

"It's okay. I love spending time with you. Besides, you look sexy when you're all concentrated and all. I think it's a turn on," you bite your lip when you realize lack of sleep is making you talk more than you should.

"Okay, me being sexy? You must really need sleep now. Niall and sexy do not belong on the same sentence," Niall finishes. You glance up amused. This boy doesn't really know how hot he really is.

" baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you do your hair gets me turned on, but when you laugh and get it wrong, you don't know that's what makes you sexy," you half sing half mumble into his shoulder as you sit up.

"I like that remix," Niall continues the song," right now I'm looking at you and I can believe you don't know-oh-oh that's what make you so desirable,". He gently whispers on the verge of laughing.

"Don't ruin my song Horan," you frown which your eyes closed as you cuddle into his chest once more.

"Girl now I'm singing bout ya," he changes the song.

"Don't steal BTR's music," you whine," It's the blue in his eyes that helps me see the future... IT'S IN HIS DNA, D-D-DNA!!!" You finish by tackling him on the bed in a hug.

"Don't steal Little Mix's music," Niall retaliates as he smiles. You press kisses along his jaw. You stop as you turn your head to silently yawn off to the side.

"Princess, we should go to sleep. We both get up pretty early tomorrow... Or in a few hours.. It's 3am and we get up at 6am," Niall says as he pulls you closer to the pillows. You happily snuggle into his chest and wrap your arms around his torso. You feel his abs under his thin v-neck when he shifts so he can hug you. He wraps his arms around you completely enveloping you. He makes you feel safe and protected.

"Have fun at your recording session tomorrow," you mumble.

"Thanks, have fun If its possible," he say with a sideways grin.

You roll your eyes.

"Can I hear the song?" You ask curiously. Before being Niall's girlfriend you will always be a directioner.

"Nope," he responds popping the 'p'. "It's a surprise, and it's also the first song in our new album," he says smiling. He knows you can't wait for surprises. You slightly pout and furrow your brow as you let it go. He's not gonna tell you. He loves keeping surprises from you.

He softly sings When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars. You smile happily and inhale his aroma once more before drifting off to sleep. You dream of him singing in your sleep. You both try to ignore the fact he'll be away hen you wake. He'll go recording then travel to Europe to continue his tour. You try to ignore the fact you'll wake to an empty bed and missing him.

~baby potatoes for Niall

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