Against the Hate

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Imagine...You stand there against the wall, choking back sobs that threaten to escape.

" Sis, you okay?" says your older brother Chase warily.

You nod not trusting your voice.He leaves reluctantly while saying he loves you. You wait until your older brother leaves to work already slightly late until you allow yourself a breakdown. You slide down the wall and sobs and cries escape your lips. You try to stop and you're worried when you realize you can't. You cry for an hour straight. You weren't the type of person that cried. You liked to think that you let all that hate and hurt slide off like it was nothing. Now, you realized that you stored every and little bit of hurt until it was too much and you had a breakdown. You hadn't cried like this in over a year. The twitter comments were fresh in your head.

"Eww, you're too fat and ugly. Why does Niall even like you?"

"I swear that if you break his heart I will kill you,"

"just break up with him already! You don't deserve him"

so many curse words that were degrading and insulting were directed at you. You thought that being a directioner, you could handle being Niall's girlfriend. He warned you about this but you thought you could handle it. You couldn't. Just as you were screaming into a pillow "WHY ME!" you hear the door fly open. Startled you see Niall run in to where you were. He stands his mouth open and eyes wide. You see emotions flash rapidly though his eyes: sadness, shock,compassion, and anger. You realize your eyes must be red and puffy. Tear marks on your cheeks and your hair out of your pony tail. You attempt to fix your hair in vain.

Your boyfriend then falls out of his shock, and Niall falls to the floor next to you and envelopes you in a hug with his strong arms. You feel like crying of relief when you smell in his scent of honey/cinnamon/sunshine if any of that made sense.

" Chase called me and told me you didn't look well. He said you looked like a train wreck. He also told me to check twitter," Niall's voice cracks at the end and that tells you he saw every one of those hate messages by fans sent to you. You sit there on the floor hugging and clinging to each other. You continue to sob and cry. He murmurs apologies and sweet nothing's. Your sobs turn to sniffles and you stop crying. He kisses your cheeks, nose, neck and everything else he can think of. You apologize for crying so much and he shakes his head saying its all his fault. You fall asleep in his arms tired of all the crying. When you wake, you hear Niall in the kitchen making you breakfast while softly singing. You think you and him probably slept on the couch since that's were you are now. You see your phone unlocked and realize Niall had opened up twitter on it. Of course, since he knew you so well he knew the lock was your anniversary day. you didn't mind if Niall went on your phone. You read the latest post which he addresses you in.

"Y/n is my princess. Every hate message she gets against her pains me. Please stop with the hate. I love her and always will. "

This tweet was all over the place. you smile as you see a couple of fans saying supporting comments and loving ones. You smile because you know every word Niall had posted rang with truth. You heard him softly singing in the kitchen and you smiled brightly knowing you could get through this with him.


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