Meeting his Parents

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Harry imagine 2/2:

Imagine....You were riding in the streets of Holmes Chapel, Chesire. This was Harry's home. It was actually a really beautiful ,cute village. It even had a shopping precinct, supermarket, pizzeria. Harry pointed out the window to the right,

"I used to work in that bakery," Harry said with a tint of pride," it's called W. Mandeville Bakery.".

An image of a young Harry with an apron and loaves of bread filled your head, you laughed," Baby, you must have looked so cute," you told him.

"I don't now?" Harry pouted his lower lip.

"No. You look hot," you smirked. He captured your lips in a kiss while smiling. His cheekiness and confidence had rubbed off on you and he loved it.

You arrived to Harry's home and out came Gemma , Harry's older sister. Gemma and Harry's mom , Anne, came to Harry's dad's home for the occasion. Mr. Des Styles had dinner served at his home with the help of Anne and Gemma. You climbed out of the taxi and grabbed your bag as Harry thanked the driver. Gemma walked towards you with a smile. Gemma was quite beautiful, and just like Harry, she had a contagious smile. You shyly smiled back and Gemma gave you a hug. Suddenly you weren't a confident as before. You gulped and squeezed your eyes as you hugged back. Multiple scenarios passed by your mind. What if you screwed things up and none of his family liked you? You wanted them to. You loved Harry so much you just wanted to be a part if his life.

" You're the girl Harry won't shut up about? You really are, and I quote, 'the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Nothing compares to her inner and outer beauty. She's one of a kind gorgeous, gentle woman. She's a dream come true. I don't know what I did to deserve her''. He really told me all that." Gemma bursted out laughing and you raised an eyebrow at Harry. He slightly blushed and you chuckled alongside Gemma. But in the inside your stomach was fluttering insanely.

" That's really cute Haz," you said as you pinch his cheeks. A bashful Harry was rare, and adorable. Ms. Cox called you in and you nervously gulped

" Are you nervous?" Asked Gemma.

You nodded, " two Styles down and two to go, " you grinned.

" I already like her," Gemma said as she draped her arm around you shoulders and you walked in the house. It turned out that Anne and Des were really kind. You enjoyed their company and they made you feel welcome. They even offered to let you stay at their house for as long as you wished. Harry respectfully declined. After Anne insisted so much, Harry agreed to visit more often with you. Anne adored you and Des accepted you like a second daughter. You and Gemma had already exchanged numbers and became great friends.

As you walked with Harry to a taxi that would take you to a flat Harry had rented for you and him you asked," Why didn't you want to say with them?" You asked with a soft smile remembering the entire dinner. It had been lovely.

"I'd rather have you alone for myself at night," Harry said seductively in your ear. He smiled cheekily at you since you knew he would get his way later tonight. You playfully glared at him and swatted his hand from your thigh. You sighed knowing Harry always it his way and you smiled incredulously. He just sat there and smirked. He started playing a game were he would do inappropriate things in a public taxi and you would tell him to stop. Of course that only made the next move more intimate. You playfully growled which made him completely stop. You looked at him asking the silent question with your eyes "what's wrong?". He realized you were home and hastily yanked the little door separating you from the driver. He paid and basically dragged and carried you to the flat. Your eyes widened when you realized how big and hard he was. You didn't even have time to prepare. Lets just say it was an interesting elevator ride that lasted more than usual.....

~ baby potatoes for Niall

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